Dawn Christine Doublet

Oh I totally disagree about the unlikelihood of Norma switching from Norman to Alex. They've been been building, both her care for Romero and her fear of her son. She has in her heart two totally different kinds of love and care and desire to have someone in her life…why can't she wasn't them both?

Highmore it's giving her a run for her money I would say as well. Factoring in the age/experience, makes it even more impressive!

She is amazing!!!

Hope for what her life could have been… it breaks my heart

True. But the judge was so biased it's all he had left.

Hey don't forget the lady with the same scrub top on all the time who was the only worker until Rebecca showed up


The diagnose is what puts me of!

However she does forget to limp half the time and that should have been a really bad bad limp

She stood there forever just inviting herself to be crushed… she deserved it

Actor playing Sam is just awful….

Yes yes this. Why do you think throwing it in the lake is protecting it?!

I know I'll keep watching just because I do like two of the cast members immensely but it's aggravating

I kept thinking it was a dream as well

Up voted for Emily being the best

Also Jacob Pitts… Nice change he's doing a great job and Margo Martindale always does

Absolutely.. I dislike procedurals to the extreme… Sneaky Pete is not I don't know quite what the interview or wanted first to use waxing about no information being given then okay now there's this been all this revealed… I have no beef with the interviewer but he needs to get his ducks in a row regarding this show.

Even if it was the right School… Chuck would never accept it Jimmy

Pretty much the point Mike made in this first season

It was projection that made Chuck not trust Jimmy he was the untrustworthy one.Jimmy had no guile in that area yes he was a con man but he totally trust his brother