It’s equally likely, though, that Trump’s whole issue with the Russia investigation isn’t that he actually participated in the collusion (query whether he is smart enough to pull that off and still have not had any direct evidence of his participation come out), but that he is so upset by the mere fact that his win…
she sucks cock
Every time they try to say “No Russia!!!”, they just make themselves look even more guilty of getting Russia to help. Someone innocent literally has nothing to hide, so they just shrug the accusations off and go about their day. Trump, he throws giant tantrums and has his aides going on TV making up excuses and trying…
Can anybody enlighten me as to what this harridan actually does as a job?
Shame on CNN for given these pieces of human trash airtime.
Working in healthcare, a great start would be getting rid of publicly traded hospital corporations(not going to happen with R’s in power for sure and not likely anyways). Healthcare delivery more than anything needs to be patient focused not shareholder driven(they can say what they want but making profits trumps…
To be fair, the “system” still sucks. The components may be phenomenal, but the system holding them together is a clusterfuck.
“why does “the Left” suddenly trust the PA Supremes?”
The PA Supreme Court has the final say on matters of the PA Constitution. Not even the US Supremes are supposed to be able to overrule them on purely state constitution matters.
Yep. They stopped even pretending.
To be fair, they worked damn hard sabotaging our democratic ideals to get here. I mean that is 11 years of hard work, right?
They just want to keep the gerrymandered districts until the next election.
More like the Nazis of our political system.
It’s not just that the Republicans are liars, it’s that they’re so blatant about it.
They’ve in fact done everything within their power to sabotage the Census — which turns out to be quite a lot, alas. It’s massively understaffed, underfunded, and has all kinds of terrible new political strictures put on it as to what information is collected. It’s terrible. I remember one of the first things this…
The republicans are the New England Patriots of our political system.
Republicans are just making excuses, especially as they do not want a Census because it would mean government is working to make sure taxpayer money is allocated correctly.