
Hey, man. I went to those public schools in DC, and I'm pretty sure most of us could find India on a map. Hell, I had three classmates who were named India.

It's very easy to get lost in there. Which is why smarmy little male-privileged dudes who've never had to think about this stuff looooove the "argument". It's easy to create a false equivalency when you're just tossing embedded societal power imbalances out the window and acting like they aren't there.

Dear #NotAllMen,

Yeah, that's how my landlord prefers rent to be paid. I hear Krogers accepts them in exchange for food too. :P

You're missing the point. Cultural appropriation has turned Native American vestments into fashion, which is then not allowed.

I've been waiting for this since February, and it was everything I could have asked for.

I killed like eight of my own last week. WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?!

Oooh! Now I am going to try and figure out what store this is. I assume she is long gone, but I pass by several shirt stores at the market daily.

What he means by that is that we shouldn't care about these women. These guys never really mean "please care about these guys too, just as I care about your girls!" What they mean is "I don't give a shit about these girls, I don't really give a shit about these guys either, but I will pour all my efforts in derailing

OBVIOUSLY this whole thing is disgusting, but oh do I feel for this girl. It says she's 5'9. I know exactly the feeling of putting on a skirt or a dress or a pair of shorts that seems to be a perfectly normal length on everyone else but looks totally obscene on me because I'm tall.

Settling in!


The short answer is the simplest, and the one that will get me the most shit on Deadspin: the patriarchy. Police departments are overwhelmingly male, and have been taught by a misogynist society from birth that their experiences are valid, but experiences that differ from their own are either suspicious or fictional.

It's weird to me that you see any of this as "baffling." Look at all of the colleges undergoing Title IX investigations right now for not investigating, or even covering up, sexual assault on campus — and that's not even when there's a star athlete involved. Look at the backlog of untested rape kits in jurisdictions

I was in a bookstore somewhere in LA, and on a pile of books I found a Hello Kitty wallet. There was someone a few feet away from me, facing away, who I thought worked at the store. I asked him, "Hey, do you work here, I found someone's wallet." He turned around and I stuttered, "Uh, no, I guess you don't."

I realize I'm coming off like a total bitch, so I'm going to leave the bitch-place for a sec and just talk to you like I'd talk with my (adult) son and daughters.