exactly. That the dealership got good publicity out of it is no reason to dismiss them and everything they achieved with this.
exactly. That the dealership got good publicity out of it is no reason to dismiss them and everything they achieved with this.
So I assume you are morally opposed to the death penalty too and think the government should abolish it right. And name calling really tells me ALL I need to know about you and how much respect you have for others.
Actually, you're wrong.
[gives up]
I don't agree. Having raised 2 kids, I'd say it takes an extra special level of neglect to just not even think about your baby for 8 hours.
Trying to make sure a pit won't kill is like trying to make sure a Beagle won't chase rabbits. It is literally what they were bred to do. To all the pit apologists, I can show you many articles about loving, wonderful pits from good families who one day... killed a kid. I fucking hate pits, and I would never trust one…
He should be pissed he bought the V6.
actor makes a comment that was treated as a joke at the time and was later reported as a joke.
You have a real hard-on for hating the 787, don't you? Interesting you chose to use the Comet as an example of similar problems even though it is a completely different issue in every way. Cracking and complete failure of the structural fuselage of the Comet is vastly different than cracking of an outer window pane…
I like how you go from "Ugh, one more thing for parents to be one-upping eachother about" and immediately follow with "my kids are awesome, we get compliments, I raised my kids right!" That's some high-level stealth Mommy Wars (TM) shit, right there.
Oh god all the feels.
Hey. I'm a flight attendant for a big US airline (not United).
You're not behind the GAU-8, you're on top of the GAU-8.
This alone is the single biggest reason why the U.S should not abandon the A-10 Warthog. This column doesn't look as intimidating when you're behind the GAU-8 Avenger. No modern fighter could bring the as whooping fight to this kind of battle like the A-10 can.
No, the worst customers/tippers are black women and foreigners.
If it fit, it flies! If it doesn't we sling it!
And that's how you know you've succeeded in life. Nothing but good people showing up to see you off to the beyond who cared about you and celebrating the fact that they knew you. You don't need fame, or fortune, just people who'll say: "That guy was a great guy.". That's all I want in life, to help people have fun and…
Yes, help me contort myself into something more acceptable! THEN MAYBE SOMEONE WILL LOVE ME.