Andres, that's actually a BeeGee, a racing plane from the 1930s.
Andres, that's actually a BeeGee, a racing plane from the 1930s.
I don't care if this sounds extreme. Children who aren't vaccinated shouldn't be allowed in public schools. Don't want to vaccinate your kid? Fine. Homeschool them. Keep them out of soccer and dance classes. The rest of the population should not suffer and potentially die for your stupidity.
I will stick with my vintage safety razors.
Hey. I'm a flight attendant for a big US airline (not United).
You're not behind the GAU-8, you're on top of the GAU-8.
This alone is the single biggest reason why the U.S should not abandon the A-10 Warthog. This column doesn't look as intimidating when you're behind the GAU-8 Avenger. No modern fighter could bring the as whooping fight to this kind of battle like the A-10 can.
No, the worst customers/tippers are black women and foreigners.
If it fit, it flies! If it doesn't we sling it!
And that's how you know you've succeeded in life. Nothing but good people showing up to see you off to the beyond who cared about you and celebrating the fact that they knew you. You don't need fame, or fortune, just people who'll say: "That guy was a great guy.". That's all I want in life, to help people have fun and…
Yes, help me contort myself into something more acceptable! THEN MAYBE SOMEONE WILL LOVE ME.
With a little time and effort, this unfortunate image could have been unnoticeably fixed.
Locked in the bathroom at the Paralympics. Where is Oscar Pistorius when you need him?
That male friend was making a bunch of bullshit excuses and the fact that he cited that book title really drives it home.
Its a natural gas tank. Most of the tank is underground in this picture; it seems about 1/4th full. If it were full, the walls would extend up to the top of the frame structure. Its a weird design, you see, the bottom of the tank is water, its like an upside down glass in a sink full of water. As it fills with…
I would fire the racker. They eight is in the wrong spot.
I would get up and walk to the door and say "I am seriously considering a job here, call me when you are serious about hiring me". I don't need a job so bad that I will sit and be made to feel stupid.
Please rate the appearance of every person in every news story so that we can get a comprehensive understanding of who you want to fuck and thus who is worth being heard.
Nine-speed manual. With four clutches, all of which are operated by your face.