
As a result, intricate structural members have to be added underneath spots seven and nine (F-35Bs will only be able to land on these two spots!)

maybe if browsing the internet at your work poses a security threat, try not browsing the internet at work.

Please wait while I tune the world’s smallest violin for you and your wife. I can only imagine the horror of not being able to ride in a McLaren each day.

The EF-111 was a later model from the original F-111 which was designed to drop bombs. I doubt the airframe could have accommodated the larger generators necessary to power the jamming packages to their full extent.

I don't think anyone is disputing that.

What about unsweet tea?

How to cook and clean at the same time.

I read it like this:

Hah, such virility. Your vas defrens must be fully intact.

Continue tipping your hat and saying m'lady.

Great article. However:

Update to my original post:

christ. I'm sorry to hear that.

My wife and I are constantly fighting about this.

We've constantly had to save your stuff and make it better. Starting with the Battle of Britain.

As someone who lived in Japan four years, the word "Guts" has a very strange meaning in that land.

I agree with the top starred comments above. However I saw some very interesting things as well.

If you need a buddy to drink beer and watch airplanes, please keep me in mind.

More scoops than a Baskin-Robbins!

On this same vein. If you have Microsoft OneNote, you should always have a notebook with a page called "Things I did in 2015" or whatever year it is.