
That's called walking on a bridge.

We await the pictures.

Thanks B-1 Pilot!

I was just fuming by the time I got to the gates. I knew I was being held up by idiots and to have this smugg-o in front of me in his nice Tesla?

I park in a parking deck downtown and one day the one gate for exit was blocked up by a bunch of idiots taking forever to get out. Long story short, I was behind a tesla for about 30 minutes in this ridiculous jam and just kept getting angrier that he was sitting comfortably in his car not burning any gas while just

Bingo. My company card has the name of my company on it. I think of giving a decent/big-ish tip on my company card transactions as free goodwill.

Ah yes, the "I'm from Europe therefore I'm better than you" argument. Now who's being childish?

so you try to call me out for adult behavior, yet acknowledge that your original assertion is wrong.

Jesus Christ.

I think it's almost more of a "can you believe this black person would have the nuts to spend money like a white person?"

Meanwhile, the villages off of each side of the roadway lay totally untouched.

Here's an example of an F-15 wth conformal tanks. (It's the bulge off the engine intake.

Damnit Tyler, you beat me to it.

If I win the lottery, spending money is my new full time job.

Yes, you are.

Yes, you are.

Huh. I thought they didn't allow photos of the dear leader smoking. Like a propaganda thing.

Neutral: Ford Or GM, Which Would You Buy? Forget the options for a moment, where would you put your chips?

OH my god. Daniel Tiger is my bane. My daughter loves that damn show.