
I like how this article is written in such a way that the implication is that they started the fire and the dogs died.

Sure looks like it.

I guess what I mean, is that anytime I see a slammed, murdered-out WRX, I think that that person probably hasn't taken the best of care of the car.

Oh god, preaching to the choir about ruining WRXs by tuning them.

Jay and Silent Bob like the Royals?

Good on you.

Maybe clotted cream?

Yes. This strange fuel that powers insanely rare things like grills and forklifts.

I'd say the fan that did that should get on his knees and beg forgiveness.

There was a guy that I worked with that totally agreed with the fact of the US not having guaranteed maternity leave.

Psh. Talk to me when their high speed train conductors are graded down to the millimeter of where their trains stop like the Japanese.

Side exit exhaust probably adds another 5-7 horsepower. At least.

Poorly written headline is poorly written.

An American license and a Japanese license (expired, but from my time spent living there.)

4 Credit/Debit cards, 2 Driver's licenses, a change purse, my badge into work, 2 receipts and $4 cash.

Agree, or the people who when coming to a stop sign have the utmost faith in friction and wait to brake until the very last second.

I love love love the phrase "fedora atheist"

Wait. A woman. In charge. Of her bodily decisions?

Happens with pretty much every kid nowadays.