Why didn't Rickon run in a zig zag?!?!
Why didn't Rickon run in a zig zag?!?!
It has no attributes...
For what it's worth, D&D were clear the Hodor thing comes directly from GRRM.
Every time some dork posts about this I am reminded to be grateful that it never got made. It looks like a terrible abortion of a movie that shits on the entire concept of Dune. This project ended up exactly where it belonged.
I watched that, Jodorowski’s Dune looked to be every bit as insane as Lynch’s.
IF there had been a movie made from Susan Cooper’s outstanding book, The Dark Is Rising, then it would seriously deserve a more competent and faithful re-doing. Luckily no one has ever tried to make a movie of it. Nope.
Because Star Wars is a series of movies. The EU was fan fiction with delusions of grandeur. If it had had some measure of planning, or quality control, it might have been worth something.