
Dude, the ATV is a Yamaha.

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

This response is already older than boomers.

Yeah, this take is about as bad as when Jezebel tried to promote the idea that fall was the worst season.

Yes, honey, I listed the car. See? That’s what they’re worth, I swear! Now get off my back.

This was a terrible mistake by the Ford marketing team. They insisted on writing his name as Miles; and the French hated it. If they had used his initials as Ken wished, km, the French would have accepted him.

Not the first hero named Ken M.

I have an idea for how to fix Nissan: Autoplay ads on the infotainment screen.

Know what brand deserves to be un-made? Ram. There's no reason for Ram to be a separate brand, and everyone just calls it Dodge anyway. Just call it Dodge once more and you've already tossed one unnecessary brand.

A Subaru Forester....in Northampton Massachusetts?

Screw tops aren’t just for cheap wine any more, snob.

Who said anything about safe?  I would say this is about as safe as having a job at Deadspin and not writing about sports.

He clearly knows what Craigslist is for. 

Nah, it can’t be a Deadspin article:

I want to see what happens if we feed it funbags.

The wheels might be tiny, but the tyres absolutely are not! You make it sound like F1 has been running the 10” wheels from the front of a Tyrrell P34!

I thought it was something with farting till I remembered that is called a Dutch Oven.

I feel that this story could have been researched a bit further. In 2019 it was established that the dickless blobby mass that makes up a Ken doll’s crotch is now known as a Spanfeller. 

You want to hear a crazy story? This go kart track in Greenville is directly adjacent to a very well known... how do I put this delicately... it’s a crack motel. It’s the kind of place where you cheat on your wife with some insanely diseased sex workers.