Enjoyed the review. As to the question of whether the show might have "political resonances this season…isn't it?" Um, well, no — grow up.
Enjoyed the review. As to the question of whether the show might have "political resonances this season…isn't it?" Um, well, no — grow up.
Don't bother. I can't even hate-watch this show, it's so tedious (starting with the month-long Glen death fake-out) — now and again, I'll hate-read the AV recap. Given the premise, this series simply has nowhere to go, other than introduction of a smarmy villain and a tedious season-long (or more, apparently)…
I'm with Cain. I don't watch the show anymore — not since the crappy & hateful Glen-death fakeout, which took a month to "resolve" — but read this recap now n' again with an eye on hate-watching (minus actually spending the energy to view the show, which, let's face it, is supremely dumb in that it really has nowhere…
Ha! Hilarious. Nothing- which is why I'm sure I'm not alone in hate-reading recaps (from time to time) than ever endure the show itself. Apparently, there's nothing one can do with this show narratively, other than essentially repeat storylines — stumble on a new "evil" group (and maybe another naive "good"…
I'm w/ ya! No show w/out Noah.
You're absolutely right. I don't get the Noah hatred either — the show's a dark soap opera, so why do people complain about why everyone on the show's intrigued by him? He's a mess, meaning you never know what's gonna happen w/ him, which is plain interesting — meanwhile, there doesn't seem to be anywhere to go…
I think that Oscar's explicit and fairly persuasive explanation to Cole as to why he changed into a good guy is proof-positive — in the world of The Affair (and dark TV drama generally) — that he is definitely still very, very bad. Cole made a huge mistake!
Amen. I don't get all the posted fan hatred of Noah either. OK, we get that Noah is all about Noah, but that's the character- without him there really is no show, as far as I can tell. (Not to mention the prison guard storyline, which is thrilling and scary as hell, and kinda came out of nowhere.) Plus, of course,…
Am a big fan of both Girls and (way, way more so) Curb Your Enthusiasm — the writer's analogy, particularly the implied/stated sexist accusation, is way misplaced. Larry David (the character) simply wants to be left alone — the havoc he wreaks is, hilariously, triggered via oft-unforeseen consequences of his…
How does anyone stick with this show past the Glenn debacle, i.e., the so-called cliffhanger <gag!>? (In my "who cares" defense, turned to the recap only to see if Glenn bites it, which would perhaps/partially/maybe/sorta justify returning to pure hate-watching this show, which is, per the essence of this review, has…
Yikes, a "C" grade? Notwithstanding that you provided analysis (which was super uptight), what show were YOU watching…?
This article was so on-point and well written, it hurts! Am definitely done with this show, which had become a hate-watching exercise. (The astoundingly douche-y Talking Dead certainly doesn't help.) Really, the hordes who expressed "oh-no!"-ness and distress by Glenn's death must aspire to marginal retardation,…
Hear, hear — over-the-top idiotic, and it immediately removed any sentient viewer from the immersive viewing experience. You'd think one "Banana Joe's" mention (in a dark spy drama) followed by a later mention in Carrie's directive to Google said bar's name during an overt a-ha moment would be sufficient to help…