I always figured it was originally made as a model, but then they rendered one frame and used that image for the screen. I didn't think it was a model actually being rendered in real time.
I always figured it was originally made as a model, but then they rendered one frame and used that image for the screen. I didn't think it was a model actually being rendered in real time.
Trust me, if a brand-new, high-profile combustion car just caught on fire like this, we’d write about that, too
How many of them are new, $100,000+ vehicles? A few Ferraris burn, which are covered here, but you want them to write an article every time a ‘02 Buick catches fire? Plus, there’s a difference between a gas fire and lithium battery fire.
What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them.
For $10,500? A Cavalier? I don’t care it it’s a convertible. Hell, I wouldn’t care if it also included a modest vacation package to the glorious sunkist beaches of Puerto Rico valued at $5,500, while Vanna White herself flips the final letters as I solve “My wife is leaving me because I bought a Cavalier for $10,500.”
I believe this is the biggest problem. A job like that just has to be mentally scarring and the fact that they don’t have mandatory counseling is disturbing. Though I’m sure if they tried to mandate it the unions would fight it. Until mental health is destigmatized too many bros would see counseling as admitting…
What sucks is that those cops that can recognize that their nerves are frayed or are starting to have PTSD or other mental/emotional effects from their job are not always given the proper outlet to retire early and leave the force. I know one particular cop (friend of a friend) who went through a tough situation. A…
You’re right, but for the wrong reason. There’s no way Sora would ever happen because he the amount of DISNEY characters they’d need to pay for the rights to use to make Sora not half-assed would be too extensive to even bother - especially for just another sword-user.
*waits with bated breath for it to be a fire emblem fighter*
Someone already suggested a W body Monte Carlo, which was the first thing that came to my mind. The second thing was a 9th or 10th generation Thunderbird. Look for one with a V8 or naturally aspirated V6 for simplicity’s sake. It’s pure Americana from the overly large body to the deceptively small interior.
Ok. Now go find one under 10k.
Do I have news for you about the prices of GTOs.
How could no one suggest an early oughts Monte Carlo? Slap some Dale stickers on it and NASCAR till your hearts content.
For all the bullshit reasons cops pull people over, I wish they’d stop more folks with dangerous loads like this. I’ve seen old pickup trucks around here loaded with, and I’m not joking, about 20 full-size wooden pallets. Rear end of the trucks nearly dragging the ground with the damn things stacked 10 high and two…
So was the cop’s body cam on or nah? What about his dashboard cam? Because if he “feared for his life” video should help clear that up...