
I think he’s made it pretty clear -- “HE DOESN’T WANT YOUR LIFE!”

Too little, too late.  This is pure CYA so they can tell incoming students they did the right thing and it is out of their hands.  See above -- $65k tuition/student is at stake here. 

The change in demeanor and the “at ease” body posture for R’s vs. D’s is just too much.  Come on dude, poker face. 

This is great, but let’s not forget — Notre Dame admissions office may be driving this recent activity. Maybe applications go down/up with her nomination? Seems like they are hedging their bets releasing a statement this late in the process as a CYA move. Just like the R’s looking for the judiciary to vote down ACA

I know you have probably done this drill, but in that time period I have played 10 and under baseball, 5 years of engineering school, law school, and a 20 YEAR career as a lawyer at several firms/companies. Mitch has held his same position during this entire timeframe. It blows my mind that this 80 year old fuck is

Damn, when was the last time this truck was refreshed??

Just like Santa’s workshop, it smells like mushrooms. 

Ok, but let’s not bury the lede here — who are your 3 going to prison?

“Ok, I’m interested, keep going.”

Looks like we know who will be playing Ivanka in the movie. 

Now playing

“Breaaaaaasttt milllkkkk, come out and plaaayyyeeee yaayyyyeee.”

Let’s not forget that he’s been on a pretty serious spending spree:

I still can’t believe that people take time out of their lives to push shit like this.  Just think of the hours, days, weeks, and months people have dedicated to this shit bill.  What a fucking waste. 

Damn, that was a long way to go for a very average to below average anecdote. 

This reads like a “most interesting man in the world” pitch if you do the voice. 

I’ll take “Things Your Attorney Doesn’t Want You To Put In Writing” for $1,000,000. 

Now playing

Yup, it’s 2020 COVID month 7 and I am going to defend Guy Fieri — this is a lazy comparison.

In the last 12 months I have lived in NYC and South Florida.  Have yet to see a Supra in the wild. 

Huh, so no one is going to mention the Bronco II tow (two?) vehicle??