You know how we keep talking about the precedent set by the Saturday night massacre, Kenneth Starr, Clinton testifying, etc. etc.? This failure to act now becomes the new precedent for the next time this happens. THAT is why this is so important.
You know how we keep talking about the precedent set by the Saturday night massacre, Kenneth Starr, Clinton testifying, etc. etc.? This failure to act now becomes the new precedent for the next time this happens. THAT is why this is so important.
All for what?
Looks like I just found a new use for my CPAP mask. Cause knowing is half the battle. Yooooooo JOE!
Don’t bury the lede — did you get some of that delicious 7 layer salad or not?
To: Nike Publicists, Image Consultants, and PR Teams
What happens when it dawns on these guys that they can get in on the action and just be another cog in the paid coyote “protection” racket? This seems ripe for sanctioned shakedowns (and other more illicit stuff) on the U.S. side of the border.
True. But also, I paid for a baseball game, not a fucking musical.
She sings like a dude.
How do these people have that much time on their hands to dress up and play Army border patrol? How about volunteering at the local homeless shelter/Boys Girls Club/etc.? Nope, it’s because they want to put on that tactical gear and be Mr. Badass. Pick on somebody your own size assholes.
On my way home today I was daydreaming and thought to myself “I need to watch my vices and bad habits, because I want to be around to celebrate this man’s death.”
Goddamn, when Daft Punk finally pulls the trigger they are going to make $50-100M. And, I don’t blame them.
*can NOT stop someone from filing
Willful misconduct/gross negligence is usually a carve out (even if not there on the ticket -- can stop someone from filing).
Good explanation, thank you. It does burn a bit, the package these people get for just one term (although usually much longer). I mean fucking Paul Ryan, Mr. fiscal responsibility, gets to fucking retire at what, 46, 47 on a package that most Americans (even white collar fucking hustlers like myself, admittedly) would…
May his ACL be weak, and his Achilles snap-able. Godspeed, Nick Bosa.
And get the travel pack wet wipes that you can stick in your front pocket. Or, make your own with the paper hand towels (don’t clog the bowl!).
How many of those executives would even been in the room for this “shutout” if there was no bailout?
Yeah, but that lifetime pension and healthcare that is not tied to any type of years of services seems a bit like socialism, no?