
Fun fact: shorts (of varying lengths) with tights are a quite popular womens business attire option in Tokyo.

I dare you to eat Grapenuts without milk. However, with milk there is only a 17-31 second window where the ratio of crunch to mush is in sync. Too early and you lose a molar, too late and you should have just made oatmeal.

Chromecast and porn. . .Chromecast and porn.

Fuckin’ “Hooper” dawg!

Yup.  Nailed it. Maybe “Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch” but it’s a close call.  There’s another 5-10 Richard Scarry books in this genre.  Lowly Worm ftw!

Maybe instead of commenting, do a little research on right of publicity, use of a person’s likeness, etc.  Your 2 cent legal takes are just that. 

Great point, you found a few examples! You get a star! Its called right of publicity and you can bet your ass Nike has a team of IP attorneys whose entire job is to send out C&D letters, but they do triage who they go after. 

Pretty much my entire family has worked freight trains, and I have heard plenty of stories. A train doesnt really cut off your foot so much.

That will depend. Do you see a lot of t-shirts using Michael Jordan’s likeness that are not manufactured by Nike?

How many fucking officers are required for an 11 year old shopper? This also reminds me -- is it normal that NYPD officers seem to constantly be engrossed with their smart phones while (presumably) on-duty? 

How in the fuck are you protesting THIS?

This admin has me in knots rooting for people that I never would have imagined...its a fucking mental pretzel.

“In the good ol’ days . . .”

This guy?  This guy had eye drops laying around the house?  No way. 

This is like the Silicon Valley scene where the investor bro explains that you never want to show revenue — you want to show the idea of future revenue, otherwise you will have to meet those projections. Shit, all this is straight out of a Silicon Valley episode.

Now playing

You just put me into the Elton John K-hole.  There are no less than 1 million awesome things in this video.

Someone much more talented than me needs to cut this up so Bunk,  Charles Miner/Stringer (BONUS!) Beadie/Holly (DOUBLE BONUS!), and Jim Halpert are all in this scene. Wait — is The Wire just a bizarro version of The Office?

In an alternate universe it is Ol’ DB, not Jah Rule, playing the foil to Mariah in the early 2000s.

I feel like this takes on so much more meaning after watching Silicon Valley.

The author is here in NYC and takes patients and also does groups...