
So Gallagher opened for Aerosmith?

How many years does this guy get to collect on his pension and benes?

I got looped into watching the Dateline last night with Catherine Oxenberg. The takeaway for me was that she REALLY seemed to enjoy being back on camera and talking about herself. Pretty nauseating.

C4 to his door, no beef no more!

Theres an anal sphincter mouth joke in here somewhere.

MLB was part of this movement as well, since they wanted the logo/crown to be featured more prominently on the New Era 59/50 hats. I believe Ichiro is/was one of the only players not wearing a 59/50 — his hat is more similar to the Japanese “cut” for baseball hats.

Why do people crank the brim and put it in a solo cup to give it the “perfect” bend — aka, the “frat hat”?  Different folks...

I had a spirited (we are talking like 10 bourbons) with my GF the other night, and we both wondered why these assholes dont just slice off several billion dollars and fund healthcare or pay off student loans -- they could be fucking heroes, but instead they are something straight out of the Simpsons.

I don’t see it.

We are talking Carroll and Monsanto, right?  I would imagine this is Corp agribusiness, not farmer brown in Decorah.

I took a products liability class back in the day-slip and slide was up there with lawn jarts as an offender. There were a couple videos showing grown adults using the slip and slide and breaking their neck because of the abrupt stop phenomenon experienced by grown adults mentioned by drew. There was one video where

Check out Wild Country on Netflix. Amazing.

Was it The Plunge” at Noah’s Ark?

I wore a Ron Jon tank top yesterday.

I have done conf calls at 9am with no sleep, and my GF has listened in and been like, “who the fuck are you (in a good way)?” I can fucking kill it...being a functioning addict/drunk is a skill. #notproudbutkindaproud

Someone, get me a bump, I’ll play through. 

I believe he was just featured on 60 Minutes.


Ive lived in NYC since before 9-11. I think I can now call it home. Fuck this place — this story is a metaphor for the whole goddamn city. When people say this city is like an abusive relationship, they are absolutely correct. I will stop here, with one last thing -- the venerated NYPD... its like an occupying forc

Say like a little roadside motel, otherwise known as Mar a Lago?