
Meh, who cares about this curated crap. Check out the real deal of 70s/80s photos and say goodbye to the rest of your workday...

Jesus, good call on the JNCO jeans. Those jeans are awful.

Jesus, good call on the JNCO jeans. Those jeans are awful.

Jesus Christ- came here to say the same thing. Fucking shit. Pass me the Evan Williams.

Fuckin’ Feech-back in the younger corp office days we had SO MANY Feech inside jokes and references. I gotta call a friend now...

Now playing

A good time for my favorite Sopranos vignette that seems to come up at every offsite work event/conference/global meeting/etc. The “overlaugh”:

We had a second year law student intern in our department last year -- I’d guess he was 23-25 years old. He was asking my boss and I our thoughts on whether he and his new fiance should purchase a brownstone in Brooklyn or a luxury 3-4 bedroom condo in the city. The other gem was that he told us he was going to be

So what is Congress doing again? Are we just going to skip that whole legislative process now let President Executive Order do his thing?

C’mon dude, it’s deadspin — that hanging curveball was too good to pass up!

“random passenger” = 19 year old college student who is still unaware of what constitutes appropriate clothing choices. I know this game dude, I know this game.

Question: do you still play basketball/similar sports? I’m 42 and was a pretty decent player at one point — now all I can think of is tearing an achilles or that moment of agony when you land on someone’s shoe and see your ankle roll over in slow motion.

I have some pretty serious sinus problems -- every morning with the Neti pot is like the final scene in “Stranger Things” with the little slimy worm organism scooting its way down the drain.

Quality American craftmanship that you can trust (shhh, it’s our little secret).

Hey man, I’m not beating you to no third leg.

Greg?!? Greg with the third leg?!???

Wining and dining clients is work - I fucking hate doing this shot for work. Playing along/nice with the racist comments of a visitor from the south, yucking it about Hilary’s emails with the vendor in from Chicago...it’s not all steaks and good times. Then you gotta go home with a buzz and catch up on all the real

Delta is actually my preferred domestic right now—what do you fly? United? There’s jet blue, but out of NYC the options are limited.

Hmmph....I guess it must be referring to something else.

Yeah, she also got to do an interview that was on the Amy Shumer show. What’s funny is that this was all unintentional — they are not LA players, professional stagemoms, or anything like that - just a regular family that got sick of the NY life and moved to the West Coast.

That’s my friends daughter!