
To be fair, Gavia Baker-Whitelaw of the Daily Dot pointed out that Obi-Wan went to a full-on diner:

I don’t know how, but somehow I got to crowbar “So whatever happened, it didn’t merit a change of clothes” into a conversation.

I’ve never dove into all the lore, backstory, books and whatnot (I just watch the shows and movies) so I need someone that has to explain this to me. Why exactly are Hutts feared and respected? They’re just giant, fatass slugs. Couldn’t you just outrun them? Can they even fight? Do they have some kind of super

These are kind of the dueling priorities of Star Wars. In the original movie, there was a deliberate tension between the strangeness of the settings / characters and the very straightforward plot. Decades later, there’s so much stuff in the Star Wars lore that the answer to the question “wait, what’s that thing?

It’s the only way I’m gonna be able to get past the idea that the Doctor is an immortal amnesiac from another universe.

I was thinking along the same lines for Mockingbird. People are assuming that this automatically makes Shield non-canon, when there’s plenty of ways for it to be canon.

Are you kidding? Laura has watched Clint go off on adventures with Natasha and allowed her youngest to be named after Clint’s female work friend and the brother of another female work friend.

No way she is threatened by a child. Plus, Hailee is a lovely young woman, but Linda Cardellini looks like she can teach you a

You are a miserable fuck who hates joy. Someone has to tell you this.

1. Jack was hilariously low-key about everything; usually when someone is that blase about being framed it’s because the whole thing is a ruse, but no, he just figured he’d get it all straightened out quickly. And he did!

He probably watched the news 2016-2020 and realized if he does as much illegal shit as he can they’ll be too confused to arrest him.

Now that’s a pitch for a movie that needs to be made.

Why are we still crapping on Mata Hari, after all this time? She was a scapegoat.

the Scots would have been invading London to start it back up again.”

The Dan-Diane thing shows a big fault with Chibnall’s weakness as a writer. He loves to have characters give emotive speeches, but when two people actually have a reason to talk to each other, he can’t bother to try to pull it off.

The glaring hypocrisy of the 13th Doctor, and the head writer’s apparent obliviousness to this problem, just boggles the mind.

Capaldi’s entire era is... kind of the exact opposite of what your impression seems to be? the threats he deals with are generally more small-scale (one ship or train or building even) or borderline abstract (if his tenure has a Big Bad it’s arguably grief and trauma than any tangible threat). even his series finales

For what it’s worth, the subtitles did specifically capitalize the word “Master”.

Doctor Who’s Flux finale falls flat”

I mean judging from the responses where people clearly haven’t even watched the 15 second clip let along the full interview. The article has some context but it also seems very much pushing a specific point of view.

Wait, you didn’t base all your opinions on a 15 second clip that was cherry picked and combined with a provocative headline to maximize outrage clicks?