
We also had a rare all-woman away team (well, boarding party. Everything’s a party in the swinging 23rd century!). I think it might be the first, but I can’t remember enough of Voyager to be sure. It seems practically guaranteed that at some point just Janeway, Seven, and/or Torres went somewhere by themselves.

You did. When Brainy was giving Nia superhero training in the Fortress, he and Kelex 2 were constantly bickering.

There needs to be a special grade in the CMS for stuff that doesn’t merit a Stray Observation. Even bearing a mind that an “F” is generally“so-bad-it’s-good” here and a D is the “real” worst grade, I think that’s the most damning thing that can appear on an AVC review.

“It’s atmospheric!”

And what is up with the cinematography this season? Every episode feels over-directed, but over-directed uniquely. Tonight, for instance, was all wide-angle lenses or tight zooms, with very little in-between. What is this visual vocabulary? Why are we seeing Pike and Saru shot in full with a wide lens when they’re

I found the teaser recap irritating because, well, just its existence is in that same liminal space Discovery has been living in all season (and the end of last season) where it has a love/hate relationship with its own history. When it isn’t trying to reinvent Star Trek, it’s worshipping Star Trek, with no consistent

I can believe the White House lawyers coming up with a weasellyinterpretation that the Patriot Act doesn’t apply to aliens. I can’t believe they’d forget that humans have been hurt by the Children of Liberty’s actions to date and that they committed crimes other than simple terrorism, such as their commandeering a

It doesn’t make sense that Marge and Homer are together and childless here—I guess I am part of the continuity patrol after all...

As I recall, Starfleet (in the person of Picard and Sisko) fucking hated how often Worf took advantage of his dual citizenship to legally murder people under Klingon jurisdiction. The Klingons, oddly enough, were the ones who didn’t have a problem with it. The elected Federation President (or their duly-authorized

Section 31 being a part of Starfleet completely breaks that trust. It’s an organization that uses assassination and blackmail to coerce other sovereign powers and manipulate them in favor of Federation designs. So how can any of the Federation’s members trust that Section 31 didn’t do it to them?

Yeah, but if someone came around claiming to represent the OSS, you’d still be able to read about them in a book, even if the current US Government just said they’d “get back to you” about if it was a going concern. Having 31 be out and proud in DSC can follow by the letter of what was said in DS9, but it sure sounded

The “felt like real Star Trek” thing is the worst part of the show for me. Like Zack said in the review, Discovery is giving us Cliff’s Notes versions of popular episodes. When I was watching it with my friend, she kept calling out episodes it reminded her of (personally, my list is “Babel,” “Twisted,” “Disaster,”

Joseph Campbell, refusal of the call, yadda, yadda, yadda.

When the Dumbledore thing came out, I did remember reading his obituary in book seven and feeling like his “old friend” who wrote it wasn’t telling us something fairly important about precisely how close they were.

Okay, but why did no one on Dragnet ever go to the bathroom?

Okay, but why did no one on Dragnet ever go to the bathroom?

Lando had some bad-ass capes but I don’t hear too much complaining about those.

“BTW there are 5 force users in the original trilogy. 4 of them wear robes, capes and/or skirts. (Yoda, Vader, Obi Wan & the Emperor)”

Nope. When the piece in the sewer was getting recharged by the UV lamp, it teleported the other two chunks back to itself and became whole. We saw the bag glow and expand, and the two guardians dig up their Dalek chunks and find they’d vanished.

That’s something I was hoping for, but not necessarily expecting, since Daleks are good at getting under the Doctor’s skin, but Thirteen just hasn’t been given much “under” to show. One of the other comments described her reaction to the Dalek as withering contempt, but I don’t think I agree. She treated the Dalek (to