
I like the easter-egg level of the untranslated Klingon in DS9's “The Way of the Warrior,” but I also see how incredibly annoying it would’ve been when it aired pre-internet.

One of the writers said that Stamets isn’t actually Chief, and that computer display saying he was was a production error, which makes sense since he’s a blueshirt (silvershirt, whatever). That also means that while we have a science officer, doctor, and... science-engineer... we haven’t met the proper science officer

That’s definitely what I pulled from this episode. It’s possible that some ten years living with Harry Mudd turned her into someone exactly like her robot duplicate that Harry built specifically to yell at, but I think the more likely explanation is that she was hardly ever more firm or scolding than we saw her

Agreed. Based on my college experiences, Tilly seems like the kind of girl who’d be amazing at parties. Hell, the ways she’s awkward can be pretty much summed up by saying she’s always as loose as if she were at a party, and isn’t comfortable when other people are buttoned up. Look at how straight-out she was forcing

TOS parties were just excuses for Kirk to slip away with some hottie.

Sawyer and Danvers. Relationship portmanteau names are big in fandom. I personally miss the simplicity of initials and slashes, but it’s not really my scene, so I don’t get a say.

Yeah, isn’t this, like, the third time Alex has stuck her foot in it assuming that all of Maggie’s old problems can go away with a little Danvers can-do spirit?

I was kind of expecting that after she blasted those guys she’d look down at the staff and have a “Holy fuck, this thing is *terrifying*” reaction, since there’s no reasonable way she could’ve expected that to happen.

Kara and Supergirl hanging out all the time is getting nearly as bad as the old days when Superman’s cover story was that he was also raised by the Kents, and Clark is his identical adoptive brother. See, that’s the real reason the Lois Lane character is essential (aside from the romance); she lets Clark launder his

I remember hanging out with one of my friends in college, and her roommate and one of his friends had a lively and spirited debate (not a euphemism for a fistfight, just standard polite nerd-chatting) about whether some band was punk or post-punk or grunge or midcore or some goddamn thing based on influences and years

“Snowball II and Santa’s Little Helper are apparently lovers, which, sure.”

Apparently, the only person who even tried to explain it was the writer of the comic book adaptation of the original film, who added a line to Deckard’s internal monologue about how the job kept you “moving on the edge.”

There are two things this makes me think of. In the original, there was a subtle implication that L.A.’s ultra-urbanization was already a relic of a bygone age and everyone who was worth shit had already gone to one of the off-world colonies. Lack of traffic (in L.A., for God’s sake!), hundreds of empty seats in the

It’s ironic considering I work in education, but I don’t actually hear kids talking that much.

That’s the unfortunate side-effect of a) not really doing the secret identity thing and b) having all the people in on her secret also being professional or amateur crimefighters. There’s not a hard line between Kara and Supergirl as there is between Clark and Superman. I would’ve loved it if they did “The Late Mr.

The first thing I thought was “I guess they’ve run out of stuff from the ‘90s cartoon they want to adapt, so they’ve moved on from my favorite to my second-favorite Superman adaptation. I’m here for it.”

Finding out “hella” was a northern California thing was the most shocking part of moving to the west coast. I knew it was from this part of the country, but I always thought it sounded surfer-y.

It was never explicitly said Klingons got cloaking devices from the Romulans in exchange for ships (though it’s been common fanon). Heck, in early drafts of TSFS, Kruge stole a Romulan Bird of Prey to get a ship with a cloak (hence the name, which Enterprise and Discovery have conclusively separated from its Romulan

In the Trek universe the first manned mission to Saturn was in 2020, and there was a manned Mars mission in 2032. Not the first, either. Possibly the fourth, possibly more than that. And, of course, we only know about the Eugenics Wars because of an interstellar sleeper ship launched in 1996, so interplanetary travel