
*Throws away tight five eighties throwback bit about how black guys are always pausing mid-sentence and saying "Let me be clear"*

He probably thought that's what Mr. Dawson wanted. I did. The soldier was ranting about how they have to turn around, Dawson humors him by pretending to plot a course home, and has him taken belowdecks. They are clearly not going to turn the boat around, so the soldier is only going to become more belligerent and

I was wondering just yesterday if it would be possible for the AV Club to close comments on movie reviews until the actual release date, so you don't have to wade through hundreds of posts of pre-release bullshitting around to get to stuff from people who've actually had the chance to see the movie.

"You need to spend twenty minutes locked up explaining why people should listen to you to really settle in to the action. None of this psychic paper nonsense. And all this running? Ha! Leisurely strolls through deadly environments cause them to respect you."

She said she was fuzzy on who, when, and why the scary woman yelled at her. Looks like more traumatic memories have a way of hanging on.

That seems to be the important distinction between what Twelve is doing versus how Ten was acting in "The End of Time." Ten thought changing into Eleven would be pretty much the same as dying for real from his perspective, so he acted like it would be his final death, when Twelve, it seems, would rather die than take

And here's the blog post on it. Turns out, India was missing. It was the new land in South America. Mystery solved. The Mystery… of the Cyber-Planet?

Potentially five, if the rumors about seeing how the First and Twelfth Doctors joined in on "Day of the Doctor" are true. You could squeeze in a Tennant or Smith cameo there.

Yeah, "Space" and "Time" were fun for five minutes, but a whole extended episode of "Line?" and "Do I have to remember all of that?" "It'll just sort of come out naturally," would get tiresome.

Olivia Colman was also a DW guest star. She was the penultimate Prisoner Zero disguise in "The Eleventh Hour," the woman with the two kids.

There have been a couple of AVC expat communities already after previous commenting changes; The Tolerability Index is a UBB-style board, and if you're married to Disqus, there's the AVaCADo (I don't remember what the second "a" or the "o" stand for).

That was specifically referring to the scenes in Antarctica at the end of this episode and the beginning of last weeks, because they were filmed as part of the Christmas special in the last few weeks, and not with this episode's filming several months ago.

That reminds me, the "It's not about winning" thing seemed like a double callback. Just before the Doctor was going to execute Missy in "Death in Heaven," she asked him to say something nice to her, and the only thing he could think of was a resigned, "You win." And back in "Last of the Time Lords," as the Master saw

Are you taking O'Neill's hand in a jar as a souvenir?

My impression was the Cyberman electrocuting him is what did it, and he'd just been holding it off (or, who knows, trying to ride the "reset" so he could keep moving without going the whole way) since then.

I hadn't heard about it either, until a character on "The 100" was killed off last year. Apparently, it's a thing; https://www.vox.com/2016/3/…

I guess somebody hasn't had the late night "Is it gay to sleep with your own clone/alternate universe duplicate?" debate.

We'll just have to email you more often at the podcast.

So, it was weird that Moffat's last pre-regeneration episode dropped some apparent foreshadowing that the next Doctor is going to be a woman after it's been very explicitly stated by the BBC that's it's not going to be a woman, right? (The Doctor's "We can only hope," when the Master complained about how feminine the

I was disappointed we didn't get a regeneration scene, or to see his TARDIS. Mostly the regeneration.