
(That said, it makes it even harder to explain how the wreck that the original Nostromo crew discover on LV426 got there. These movies basically ruptured the space time continuum to create a plot hole where none previously existed.)

It doesn't. I was conflating symptoms of shock and spinal cord injuries.

Recently at work, I was contributing to an intro-to-EMT-ing distance-learning course, and I could've sworn shock actually did cause priapism. I checked, though, and it was actually spinal cord injuries.

All the undressed Daisybots counts against that, along with Aida switching May's clothes.

I'm confused. Goldblum did narrate several commercials for the first iMac. Did he forget he ended up taking the job or something?

The prologue was in 1980, the main body of the film was captioned "34 years later."

I just realized that Simmons has two identical sweaters. The pants, okay, I've got pants that are essentially the same cut and color, that's not weird, but she never changed, which means either she was pretty lucky about how her apparent inactive LMD was dressed, or she has multiples of at least one outfit, like that

I'd imagine Ghost Rider is pretty thorough about that sort of thing.

I'm reminded of the mid-2000s heyday that was Sci-Fi Fridays. Both Stargates, Battlestar Galactica, and even Enterprise on another network if you wanted something extra to tape and watch Saturday morning.

Since there have been, like, twenty of him, he got a lot more entertaining, along with him needling Aida. Sadly, no more Aida, so we'll just have to settle for watching him flirt with himself.

I remember I read a hardboiled detective novel where the protagonist was shot in the head on, like, page three. He definitely wasn't happy for the rest of the story, but he did grit his teeth and make it through.

Well, he was only in that position because he risked popping his heart like a balloon to save the rest of the team, so I think Mace's heroic bonafides in the real world are well established.

It does remind me a little that a couple weeks before the official news about the final season of Battlestar Galactica came out, there was a rumor that the producers were given two options: A 13 episode fourth season with a possibility of a fifth, or a 20 episode season that would definitely be the last one.

I was hoping they'd mention how a small town was eaten by a blob back in '14 and nobody really cared at the time because they were busy with… let's see, what happened then, MCUwiki… season one, apparently. Jeeze, a giant blob seems like such a good disposable pre-Winter Soldier SHIELD plot, too. Maybe they'll have

Eh, I still think Harriet Jones made the right call in "The Christmas Invasion." The Sycorax had already gone back on their surrender once (remember? The Doctor murdered their captain with a fruit because of it), and there was literally no reason to think allowing them to report back that the planet was easy pickings

Head-canon accepted.

I think the apparent meaning is that Lena knows that Kara's boyfriend is Supergirl's Jr. Heroing buddy, but I never have a clue what this show is doing with secret identities anymore.

The pizza boxes were nice, but the bankers boxes they had at Apple were fucking amazing. One piece, interlocking, totally collapsible. I kept a couple for the next time I move.

I don't think he modified it. It sounded to me like he was saying he noticed that one of the many things broken on her suit was the murder-shock, so it would only think it had killed her without actually finishing the job.

The Doctor is playing off that he was blind, so he didn't realize they'd come back to the TARDIS until he "got his sight back." Of course, he had realized, and was just trying to deflect that the treatment hadn't worked (and had probably been banking the joke when he thought it would work. That scamp!). Plus, it's a