
Yep. I was expecting they'd keep it vague, so if the show got the "everybody dies" ending, they could say it was just another ship of the Ghost's class, like how they retconned Bail's ship in Episode III to be a different one from Leia's in ANH, but, no, they paged "General Syndulla" on the all-call at Yavin base. It

Galen even thoughtfully put the exhaust port in a trench so the attackers could have cover from the anti-air guns covering the surface when they approached.

That was something I was wondering when the General told Cassian to forget what was said at the meeting, the mission was an assassination— was he just blowing smoke for Jyn, or for Mon Mothma, too? I wouldn't be surprised if his type felt it was important to keep the Rebellion's legitimate figureheads like Mothma and

I thought the novel was fairly underwhelming after I read it, but now having seen the movie, it does do a lot with the subtext of Galen and Krennic's film characterizations, especially fleshing out Krennic's atypical-for-Star-Wars villany. He's not quite a good soldier in the wrong army, like Admiral Piett, but he's

I love Red Leader and the way his accent can't seem to decide whether or not he's from Space-Texas. I was grinning like an idiot when he popped up.

You'll love this blog post, then. I've still got by fingers crossed for Tatooine Yojimbo with Ewan McGreggor.

I felt like the last couple of scenes of Tarkin were more convincing than the first few. It could be that there was more lighting reference for the artists of him in the Death Star's bridge, so they were able to make it to the last mile. That, or you just got used to him being slightly waxy.

Maul said it would "end where it began," so he either recognized Tatooine specifically, or was speaking figuratively about desert planets in general and isn't going to check the most obvious place because, I don't know, he doesn't think Obi-Wan is stupid enough to hide somewhere he has a personal connection to.

Well, Obi-Wan knew what a duck was in the novelization (though Luke, appropriately enough, didn't).

I think this is the first time Star Wars canon has come down conclusively on the stupid, yet contentious, "at at" versus "Ay Tee Ay Tee" debate. To which I say; suck it, "at at" people! You thought you won when we found out that the R1 version is the AT-ACT, which would seem to endorse the "at at" pronunciation by

I was more suprised she didn't mention the Martian Manhunter, who she works alongside every damn day.

I believe behind-the-scenes info said that that injury wasn't Rhodes. I saw it suggested that it was someone hurt in one of Hammer's knock-off suits from Iron Man 2, but that seems too early. On the other hand, nobody said when he got hurt, so he could've been through several doctors before his case made it to Strange.

That depends. Dr. Strange the film was said to end in the present-day of the MCU, but when it began and how long a span it covered is an open question. Considering how much stuff happened, I'm inclined to put the movie as early as possible (starting right after The Avengers, since you could see their tower in an early

“The elders tell of a young ball much like you. He bounced three meters in the air, then he bounced 1.8 meters in the air, then he bounced four meters in the air. Do I make myself clear?”

Some people are probably glad that Ezra's understated crush on Sabine seems to have vanished…

I remembered old Chopper when he shoved R3 out of the ship when he started whining. Good balance, jerky, but not to the point where he murdered that defecting imperial droid because he was jealous.

It actually never occurred to me that it might be accurate to the original; I figured it was an easter egg by the animators.

So, were my eyes playing tricks on me, or did the video phone in the colony administrator's office have a Weyland-Yutani logo on it?

There is, I suppose, a question of fluency. Ian could muddle through their language, but Louise had learned to think in it. It may be a matter of him not having the same knack for languages she does (was Heptapod the first foreign language he learned?), or that some people just can't get it.