
That also counts against (though not conclusively) Rose or any of the other prior companions, since one of the DVD-shorts had the TARDIS show Clara all of the Doctor's old companions so she wouldn't think she was special or anything.

The locked-down TARDIS actually reminded me a bit of the Pandorica (possibly because I first saw it when the official Doctor Who twitter posted concept art for it right after the episode aired in England, so I didn't have any scale/context for it).

"I just like this hammer…"

The metaphor is also popular for explaining the expansion of the universe. Little 2D people (or ants, I like ants) living on the surface of an inflating balloon. Everything is getting further away from everything else, but there's no center or edge of the expansion, because it's not on their plane of existence.

That log-line made me think instantly of the idea of encountering beings from the n+1st Dimension. Though I guess the pointy women could also be terrifying.

Are you sure you aren't thinking about Seelix flirting with Anders while Starbuck was dead?

I've been putting off watching the extended episodes in season 4.5 (for quite a while, it seems…), but I believe I heard the DVD cut that has the finale as one long movie rather than chopped into two or three parts includes a whole Boomer flashback subplot to go along with the others, and not just that one scene.

Boomer is the only Cylon we ever meet who was set up Manchurian-Candidate style, with some kind of secret other personality that was intent on sabotaging the ship without letting on to her waking self. It would've been interesting to meet other Cylon sleeper agents, see if they had similar issues to Boomer, but as

So, because of this episode, I was convinced for the longest time that Lee knew Kara before Zak did. There's a line during their fight on the hangar when Lee talks about a time she got drunk and handsy with a guy at a bar, and I figured she'd probably have been single for that.

I totally agree with you on Baltar. I always thought he wasn't that bad a guy, but he'd had some gambles blow up in his face and didn't have enough trust in others/optimism to deal with them. Considering what little we know of his family life, added to the fact that being a genius and a control-freak isn't an unusual

There's an interesting little bit where at a convention or something, someone told Leah Cairns and Tamoh Pen… told Racetrack and Helo's actors about a fan-fic where the characters had had a fling (or maybe just Racetrack liked Helo and he didn't reciprocate), so they incorporated that into their performances later on.

I think I might've actually screamed in surprise when Adama was shot. To this day, I can watch the episode from the top and still be surprised when it happens. I'm not sure what it is, the camera work, the pacing, the fact that there's already a purpose to the scene with Adama punishing Apollo by giving his approval

It looks like that's how it was in the movies. In more than one video game, though, Stormtrooper squad leaders wore orange shoulder pads (so you know which one to shoot first). If anyone's keeping track of old EU stuff that's being slipped into the new EU through the back door, jot that one down.

That better be on the soundtrack.

So, I read an interview with Izzard while he was doing "Dressed to Kill," and that who bit was originally improvised while he was on tour the night Frank Sinatra died, and apparently it turned out so well he kept using it through the show they taped. I guess he changed it to Englebert Humperdink since after that


I feel the same way, but I realize it's really easy to come to the conclusion that "God" was pulling all the strings, and the characters have no agency and nothing mattered (it's a similar frustration to the "it was all a dream" ending. It's already made up, it doesn't have to be double-made-up).

Elosha's backstory (which the actress revealed in an interview around this time, and which I think made it into a deleted scene later on) was that she wasn't exactly a true believer. In fact, she was a young punk, got arrested, and was given a choice between jail or the church. She chose the seminary on the grounds

I played a BSG mod of HW2 a long time ago. I didn't like it much, it seemed unbalanced, the ships didn't move like they did in the base game (a bit too eager to pitch into stupid-looking vertical angles), and a bizarre use of hero units (I didn't like it in Warcraft, and I don't like it here!)

In the early drafts of the episode, the Quorum decided to support Zarek, but he still executed them since that just proved they were spineless. The writers decided that that just made everyone look worse than necessary, so the Quorum got a little moment to shine after pissing and moaning all year, and Zarek seemed a