
IIRC, Boyd is wearing it on a chain around his neck under his shirt.

Danny reminds me a lot of Coover Bennett, but taken to the next level. Coover will throw dead rats at your car, Danny will get in your face while barking.

Dewey Crowe is a Justified institution. He's not quite the hat, but he's up there. Before this season, Messer had been in, what, two episodes?

They're skinheads. As a group, they're rather infamous for overestimating their own cleverness, and underestimating that of their "inferiors" and those that would consort with them. They probably thought all that race music had rotted out Boyd's brains.

That doesn't quite add up. Messer was only arrested the episode before the organ heist happened. It'd be some fancy lawyering to get him out on account of an incident that happened to other people, possibly before he was convicted.

Wow, that is a surprising amount of downvotes for the observation that Boyd Crowder is a craven, silver-tongued opportunist.

Didn't even notice that. I was hung up on the part about "on account of the scandal." I figured he was talking about Dewey's case from the beginning of the episode.

They named the dog Chelsea in the script, and then they had to figure out something when the dog they cast was very obviously male. They came up with the "Chelsea has a big pair of balls on her" line on the day, and decided to just move on with the idiosyncratic dog-naming being just another window into the dark,

It's amazing to look back on Wynn's early appearances. I remember in season 3 I was almost surprised that he was the same guy who made the "Lady, the police are just a janitorial service that cleans up your blood" speech.

They weren't specific, but given that it was the Harlan jail, it seems reasonable that Lady Guard might have some connection with the Crowder family, either implicitly or explicitly. It might be something they're saving in their pocket for a later twist but, if not, we can assume Boyd or the lawyer asked (well, paid)

If only they'd known. Speaking of unintentional foreshadowing, I caught this round the Doctor saying in Cyberman episodes that they just happened to fall through a "crack" in our universe into the other universe. I wonder if Pete's World also heard the call-and-response from "Time of the Doctor." Probably.

Jack Harkness being in London would be a historical inaccuracy if he was in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He identifies himself as an "american volunteer," though, suggesting he's part of the RAF. There were a decent amount of Americans who joined the British military to fly and fight before the U.S. entered the war.

I will maintain that de Lancie's Torchwood appearance gave us the best reading of the phrase "Oh, fuck" ever. That and incorporating the TARDIS noise when Jack heals makes for a whole two things that made season 4 worthwhile.

Picard was going to congratulate Worf on his marriage in Insurrection, but Jadzia was dead by the time the movie came out, so they trimmed those lines.

I'd argue the groundwork for the vilification of Vulcans was laid out around Spock's wedding/divorce/murder (Are you really, really sure you want to help, Kirk? Okay, good. Now that you're committed, let me mention that it's a fight to the death. Oh, and all the racism! "It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin. Art thee

To be fair, the reason the Prophets refer to what's going on in the regular universe as "the game" is because of the baseball metaphor Sisko used to teach them how time works. All corporal matters are "the game" to them, because that's how they learned the concept of a series of events that must be traveled through in

I don't think Ward was being gullible when he helped the lady with her suitcase, given how he practically started attacking her first. More likely, he had a moment of genre-savvy and knew something was fishy, so he could either spring her trap and take care of it now, or insist on leaving so she could shoot him in the

I believe the line was that they were mercenaries who were ex-military.

From the Coulson-version, it looked like the phone on the plane had been ringing for a while. Remember, editing lies. It's always ambiguous how much real-time takes place between cuts. The Italian and May could've left in his car and been driving around for a half-hour before Coulson and Ward got to the plane.

I think the thing that makes Art safest is that retirony is such a tired trope that it wouldn't be in Justified's style to use it. The show makes a habit of zigging when you expect it zag. On the other hand, the fact that they wouldn't do it because it's so expected makes it unexpected, so they might do it.