
No… longer? Did Naboo come up a lot before 1999?

The cheesy zoom (I think it was technically a dolly, but I'm not going to look) on Delenn is nothing compared to the vertigo-effect when Sheridan is told in the conference room about the ships coming to attack B5. I don't know how anyone thought they could get away with it after the 500th time it was parodied, which

Don't forget, G'kar also nearly beat Vir to death. So that's two thrashings and a mind-rape (I can't remember if he knocked out anyone else while he was tripping balls on the way to Londo's room. Might've).

Chickens take up space, especially since in the 23rd century, they'll probably have stopped cutting off their beaks and keeping them in cages slightly smaller than one chicken. You can feed three or four people once with a chicken (well, more if you count the eggs, but not enough more to make it practical). If you've

I was particularly interested in the story because I have a similar reaction to this song for a similar reason (the story requires far too much context to be worth reading, but suffice it to say it involved a woman, musicianship, and a limitless capacity for self-delusion).

Maybe cellular entertainment is the key to Cylon resurrection. He got the idea after chasing down those dastardly monotheist terrorists and also commanding the Galactica, because they finally ran out of actors in Canada.

My general assumption has always been that even the 24th century Federation isn't completely without money, but has a sort of "basic income guarantee" set up, where everyone gets a basic allowance from the government by virtue of being alive, which covers basic needs like food and rent, and if you want anything beyond

Ethics aren't ethics if they're just something you advocate when they're easy and forget when they're challenged. If Sheridan can't deal with one mind-wiped, formerly-vengeance-maddened asshole, how is he going to check himself when things get really hard?

IIRC, at one point, they were going to use the saucer-mounted shuttle on Voyager, but they thought it might be seen as ripping off/stealing the thunder of the Captain's Yacht scenes in "Insurrection."

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I specifically watched LotR for tech reasons about a year ago, and I still had no idea how big the Liandra was supposed to be, nor whether there was supposed to be a crew outside of the main cast.

So, production value. Minor SPOILERS for the 3rd and 4th seasons as they relate to the White Star.

There's a certain amount of sacrifice to be expected for your principles. Otherwise they aren't principles, they're just stuff you do when it's easy to do them because it's easy. Action-movie convention won't allow the protagonists to so much as get all weepy over the fact that, holy shit, they killed like four guys.

@avclub-7e889e891520b7c5763271f21d3261b9:disqus It could be that aping verbal tics like that are the reason I thought the Centauri books felt most like the show of all the canonical novels and comics ("In Valen's Name" is a close second, but loses because of the reliance on aliens-of-the-week).


The thing that depresses me about the CG of that scene is they went through three versions of the core over the course of the series. The first one for the pilot, which was pretty slapdash and awful (they might not have had a lot of time for it, since they originally planned to do it as a model), the season one/two

@avclub-979c9c58606aace206b974e79cb335b6:disqus The half-dozen line in School Reunion is even better than that. It fits with the Doctor being perfectly truthful if he's counting from when Five met her in The Five Doctors.

It's not like he got away with it. Values and ethics aren't worth much if they're never challenged. Those are the moments that prove you actually walk the walk and don't just talk the talk. It's like the new Battlestar Galactica constantly making the right thing to do also the hard or risky thing to do, or why the

It's not really an episode, as such, but there's a webisode called "Demon's Run: Two Days Later" that tells the story. The BBC put it up on YouTube, then yanked it down again. I guess it was supposed to be a DVD special feature.

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus The reason they gave for doing it like this was that they wanted to do an origin story, but Star Trek doesn't have an origin story, so the casual viewer might assume that they were making a prequel and not a remake. So they were sure to have a scene in the middle of the