
I stopped buying physical games 5 years ago, except for the odd deal online (bought a xmas present for my wife cuz it was on sale at Bestbuy.com and it was a nintendo product).  I havent purchased anything from gamestop since.....I want to say the ps3 was still out.

A recession is consecutive quarters of GDP decline.  That is literally how you define it.

I only know one person who has gotten laid off. I just switched jobs and my profession is somewhat recession proof, plus a generation of people in my field are retiring creating openings, but its specialized.

How poorly corporate america did its economic forecasting during the pandemic screams of execs ignoring the doomsayers and people telling them what they didnt want to hear.  A decade of insanely low interest rates and zombie companies being able to survive based on cheap debt has made it so that a host of CEOs have no

its not so much capitalism eats itself, its our crony capitalist system eating itself. This is all what happens when you squeeze the middle class. And more broadly, the result of 40 plus years of the right wings religous adherence to supply side economics and the cult of Milton Friedmen and the Chicago school (the

Ill add one or two more things...as a resident of the diner capital of the world, NJ. If they cant get a THEC/PREC (not the time for that fight people) right, in NJ...they can fuck right off.

live like kings. damn fool kings.

That follow up video is great.

I actually find his commentary pretty insightful and he does his reviews in such a concise manner.  But no his reviews dont influence me buying a game.  If I am on the fence about a game I will read a few reviews to get a sense of what the feelings are.  The scores are just pointless.  It exactly what they are

Tales of Arise sucks.   I have read a lot of reviews and I do not get peoples love of it.  Combat is boring, and I know tales combat, its a mediocre version of it.  The story is just dumb, even by jrpg standards.  Tales of Besaria craps all over it. Its a tale about revenge, when the one whiny character complains that

you dont seem to understand what the term industrialization means.

of course japanese companies with international presence will increasingly prioritize western markets...particularly the US.  Look at demographic trends, Japan has been in pop decline for a while.  Europe is rapidly aging too now.  Of the first world countries...the US is the only one with a large millenial

What?  Japanese devs are concerned with gameplay and systems first?  Have you even played FF13 or FF15?  Hell Tales of Arise got a ton of love and that game is fucking hot garbage (and I say this as someone who used Tales of Besaria to wash the filthy that is FF15 out of my mouth, literally immediately after i

Come on....since when do we expect billionaires to pay consequences for their actions?  He has lost billions in net worth on paper....how can he borrow against less money?  This is America, we socialize risk for the wealthy, and have rugged brutal capitalism for the poors.  Its just that a whole bunch of americans

The right hates the left and demonizes them. But the bulk of our economy is college educated professionals, in terms of consumer spending. Those people vote Democratic. Millenials are now the largest demographic and only growing in economic power. Disproportionately democrat compared to prior generations.  The GOP

Wily Coyote can assemble traps with instructions.  I dont think trump could assemble duplex lego with step by step instructions.

he came out of wealthy apartheid era South Africa...he was always going to align with the conservatives.  

Unless the GOP wins the Govenership in NY, which it might since the DINO mayor of NY has stoked fears of crime.  Then the Govenor can just pardon trump.  If he gets convicted, expect Trump to appeal up to SCOTUS, where they will ignore legal precedent and established law to rule in his favor...they have been ignoring

......”get a hold on the current issues” Because we wont. Ever. The GOP has decided they only want immigration from white christian countries, of people who will vote for them. Strangely no one on the GOP seems to care about people coming here illegally from Europe...(and they definitely do). The US has the strongest

You mean the right wing is blatantly hypocritical?  No....the party that claims to support family values...backed Trump?  A man who cheated on his first wife, was accused during the divorce of physical abuse, who brought his mistress to a family vacation in aspen, who during his divorce from his first wife, bragged