
I could go on and on about interesting time periods that AC could have done that were rife with intrigue, civil wars and revolutions lend themselves to their games so:  The War of the Roses, two branches of the royal house basically going hogwild over multiple kings before a usurper with a thread of a claim emerged

That is exactly how it was meant if you read the whole interview. The Japanese devs seem to have a difficult time mastering the latest trends in western gaming: open world rpgs, first person shooters, etc. They seem to succeed when the make it their own, hence you get open world games like Botw and Elden Ring. I mean

Wasnt that a gripe they had in japan, that Jin wasnt pretty enough? I know they generally liked the depiction, but typically japanese protagonists are “prettier”. I mean a more accurate samurai game would have been more violent. Also the whole, “honorable” samurai thing was horseshit invented in the 1800s and then

Holy shit is this one of the dumbest takes I have seen.  Good to see a name attached so I know to just ignore your opinions on things.  

I am a huge starwars fan, and have enjoyed the occassional lego game...this games was a huge let down.  They crammed so much in that we just got abbreviated takes on the games.  The original trilogy levels were typically the best, but mostly because of level design.  There were frequent moments they could have

I doubt marvel would ok a non johnny storm human torch in a game when they have yet to debut the FF in the MCU.  

To the extent it means anything a broiler means the heating element it above the meat, grilled means below...but i dont know that it matters at all.  I have heard people refer to the grill in a kitchen and they mean the big flatop fry surface, which is how most burgers are made in kitchens.

BK was my favorite as a kid.  Now....i tried the Ch’King (thought it was solid enough, on par with McDs new one maybe, but not better than Popeyes...which is equally distant for me so...guess where I am going).  Havent had a burger there in years...but i had a whopper at a rest stop on the parkway (NJ) a few years

AEW doesnt have the veterans in the locker room to keep egos and stability.  I mean wrestling is always going to be testosterone and egos (even with the women...though less testosterone).  WWE...is just a much more mature (in terms of business age) business...so they have different problems.  Going in to WWE their are

.....the US runs its healthcare system for a profit.  Any surge in in admissions is an emergency because our hospitals are built to turn over beds as quickly as possible to generate a profit.  Huge chunks of hospitals arent there for medical purposes, but solely to handle billing, insurance, and paperwork related to

Fuck off back to your subreddit or 4chan you incel pos.  Back in the 80s when Reagan cut HUD funding by 70% and they had to cut government funded housing so homelessness sky rocketed?  Back in the 80s when Reagan went after unions and financialized the economy so companies became more about moving corporate bonds

Trump doesnt understand friendship.  His idea of friendship is you say nice things about him, and he reciprocates...until he doesnt for any reason whatsoever, and then you can only stay his friend if you keep praising him while he can bash you at leisure. .....everytime i think about supposedly intelligent people who

Back when he was first running i saw youtube videos of the vboice actor for Zack Branigan read off Trump quotes...it was hilarious...then we elected that coke addled, fat lazy pos president.  Like the GOP base found the biggest carnival grifter they could and said...he look our God Emperor.  

If you properly ascribe the violence on Jan 6 to being incited by Trump you can add murder to his acts.  Also, the helicopter crash for those Trump Casino execs.  No way that wasnt done by or on trumps behalf.

who does trump now that would actually drive from KY to DC.  They would fly.  Trump heard a story about someone driving, and pudding brained dip shit that he is, stole it, embellished it, and then fucked up the delivery.  Calling trump an imbecile is insulting to imbeciles.

Nintendo....saving Sony from having the worst eshop. THough I dont know what the MS one looks like...but i dont hear people complaining.

I could not disagree more on dismissing haptics.  When used properly they are just that much more immersive.  I dont notice when they arent there, but in game that have them, I miss them when they arent there.  When I first got it, i played astro play room and you could feel the pitter patter of rain on his umbrella. 

The bigger issue for EVs will be the power grid.  The fossil fuel industry has made it impossible to have real conversations about us power consumption patterns.  The US needed a comprehensive plan 20 years ago that would have continued to use fossil fuels while we transition...instead we got nothing, becuase we have

Its not about making it matter, it is about keeping their base angry and blaming something.  So their base wont listen to the reports about the stolen classified docs and will believe it is all a distraction to shield Hunter.  The GOP always accuses Dems of doing exactly what they are doing.  Nothing the GOP says

The only free speech the right cares about is some mythical right for them to say anything nasty they want without any consequences.  But only theirs.  No one else.  Fucking fascists.