
he gets burned alive in License to Kill, though, admittedly, Die Hard is a better watch.

They arent made to make money.  It is all part of a conservative push to have their own version of the truth. It is newspeak.

Its not about finding anything.  Its about keeping their base outraged.  How many years did they drag out Benghazi?  How long did they keep pushing her emails?  That Obama was going to an extremist christian church...was a muslim, wasnt born in the US.  They dont push credible stories.  THey push nonsense.  So when

They didnt poochie her character.  That would imply some crazy canon explaination for her going away.  They dont even have to do this now, they can just stop any references to her and move on.

Its not cancelled, its consequences.  She can spew her bigotry all she wants....as long as she isnt inciting violence.  Doesnt mean people have to ignore it.

She was going to headline a star wars spin off. Probably in line for a MCU villain or hero role (yeah i know she was in deadpool), or DC, like she lit her career on fire, right before she was looking at it really taking off.  Her agent must have just watched it like a dumpster fire.  She made the first dumb

Because now that he is in MAGA world, he cant renounce it without losing his only celebrity. He isnt ever going to be in demand enough in the not right wing entertainment sphere....that is MAGA, you are either all in, or you are useless. The rest of us look at you for the bigot/racist/moron you were, MAGA declares you

The racists are going to be racists, the ones I have hate for are the rich billionaires who use the racists and misogynists’ because that divisiveness allows them to keep the conversation off the fact that the 1% are bleeding everyone else dry. They want to go back to only landowners being able to vote, i dont think

Depends if it is AGI or MAGI, I would think MAGI since that is used for some many other tax calculations

I mean a Dead Space reboot/remake is supposed to be coming early 2023.

Im with you.  You want to give me a starwars cinematic....sure.  But anything else, that cinematic better be a clip and then cutting to gameplay.  Most companies farm out the cinematics anyway.

Im in the minority.  I like remasters when it is of games i love.  Wish Rockstar hadnt canned the Red Dead remaster.  Just get the graphics up to RDR2, get the frame rate up to a solid stable 60 fps and im fine.  Wish Naughty Dog would to a remake of the first 3 UC games to bring them up to UC 4 at 120 fps like the

I posted my version of this too.  Saw it on either vhs or cable at a friends house in the...im going to say 91 or 92.  Also, i do not exfoliate or lotion my face, something my fiance has been on me to do for years.  I dont go to the beach or tanning so my face doesnt look like leather...but probably should do that

“OG Aladdin”.....once again, fuck I feel old.  Im going to assume you mean Disney’s animated Aladdin and not any of the dozens of versions that came out prior.

...i just posted something similar.  I cant remember if I saw it on VHS or on HBO or something, but it was at a friends house.  Couldnt have been later than  ‘92 as I moved that year and dont think I ever saw that friend after that summer.  The author was likely not born when I saw it.  

I found the 1988 sci-fi B-movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space for free on YouTube when I was a kid” ......fuck I feel old.  

I cant decide what would be more poetic, definitive proof that god doesnt exist, or finding out a being that we refer to as “god” in the abrahamic tradition, exists, and actually gives zero fucks about humanity.  Just some powerful being that was playing creator and moved on from the petri dish.  I feel like the first

This.  Perfectly said.

This is not an if.  I wouldnt trust studies.  Even if we had them they would be downplayed and ignored.  It is now considered unsafe to drink unfiltered rain water anywhere in the world because we have put so much plastic into the enviornment it is now in our rain water.  We have been pumping so many carcinogens into

Hasnt Tesla had a real drop in build quality?  I dont know this personally, but i keep reading so.  Still see too many of those on the road.