
Wish they’d do something with that vaguely front-shaped, but otherwise smooth and blank front. Whenever I see it, all I can think of is “Ken Doll”

I’m a dyed-in-the-wool manual shifter, but I rented a Veloster with a dual-clutch tranny, and it was a blast - the first two-pedaller that had me considering making the leap

This sounds like the same motor as the 1967 T33 Stradale - aluminum V8, flat plane crank, dry sump, DOHC, 2 sparkplugs/cylinder, 10k redline. Sounds fabulous

Kelvin or Centigrade - doesn’t matter

Who’s this “Brenda Windsor” person. You’re talking about Liz Windsor & Phil the Greek?

The black hole is appropriately symbolic of the state of Britain at the moment

Thom Tillis, one of my senators. As if I needed more proof that “NC GOP motherfucker” was a redundancy...

Of course, your pristine cell phone will be about as useful as tits on a bull after all the cell towers are fried...

If the nurpleness remains for more than 4 hours, see your doctor

Sounds socialist to me. How many Newton-meters to one Trotsky?

A cargo door failure took out the Turkish Airlines DC-10 over Paris in 1974. ~350 people killed

Perfectly acceptable as long as the bedfellows are separated by a sheet with a hole in it

Actually, in that pic, Mikey has a Santorum vibe (I mean the man, not the goo)

Mikey might want to be a “Deals Guy”, but he looks like an “Animatronic Guy”....and only Mother gets to shove those D cells up his arse

Whaddaya expect from a plane built in some shit hole country? There may even have been some Kenyans involved!!!!

Frederick Douglass of McDonnell-Douglass? A great American aviator. I believe he flew in every American war from the Great War of Northern Aggression all the way up to the Great War of Iraqi Recalcitrance, despite crippling blackness and a mild case of heel spurs (how anyone could be expected to go to war while

A 4 door TT would look like every other friggin’ Audi. I honestly can’t tell one model from another

Also, what’s this moist little motherfucker doing giving a speech behind the seal of the President? Since the pic doesn’t show the entire seal, maybe it says “#1* Spawn of the President of the United States”? I understand that we’re in the midst of a nepotocracy, but Junior wasn’t elected to anything.

A colleague of mine is moving to the NoVA/DC area - they’re looking at $3200/month for 10 month daycare. Un-friggin’-believable.

I think this “journalist” should take a “hard hit” to the dick on a daily basis, just for the crime of getting out of bed.