
Yah, but you might have been cool in 8th grade. Really whats more important than being cool in 8th grade?

How cute, maybe next season she’ll tolerate a love interest that isn’t some Waspy white guy.

No shit i love how people will ask these seemingly dumbass questions, if you have to ask a question these irritatingly stupid you probably don’t understand the concept of white privilege you more than likely benefit from.

Yeah but batman is used to tell Harley’s origin story, in all the leaked pics Margot Robbie still hasn’t gone full Quinn its her in her Dr get up. I doubt they’ll go thru everyones origin, but from the looks of it they will spend a large amount of time going thru her origin and her relationship w the Joker and the

Exactly, what makes him and Don so interesting is human they are, both are completely flawed but they both can show empathy and compassion which makes them almost redeemable (not really tho). Ken and Roger are my favorite characters but its bc both of them are naturally charming and likable, Pete are Don are far and

Yeah but I’ll play devil’s advocate, there are plenty of instances in which he has been seen w/ very young or drunk women, so there is a chance he may have engaged in statutory or date rape. I’m not saying he did but he clearly views women as objects, also there was a time when he was having that affair w/ Linda

And nobody other than Don ( he didn’t go out of his way to stop it till after the fact ) even thought about stoping said plan. 90 percent of the shit Pete pulled Don (or any one else on the show) did the exact same thing. It’s not Pete’s fault Peggy had a baby and give it up for adoptition, she didn’t even know about

People talk shit on Pete but he is one of the more interesting characters, If he were as handsome as Don everyone would fucking love him, in fact he is essentially the same character. Don is every bit of the social climber/schemer Pete is.

I guess some of the themes he explores can be repetitive and using elaborate framing devices, but every Wes Anderson movie is original not one like the other (aside from casting Wilson Brothers and Bill Murray).

No shit, I love how all the jezzies almost encourage this shit, bc two women fighting over trivial shit def screams feminist progress y'all. The only person who wins in all of this John Mayer which makes everything even more fucking pathetic.

Second job in college was at the Flying Saucer (Tilted kilt’s main competitor/rival). I’m a guy so I didn’t have to deal w/ any this bull shit, worked the door and helped barback. Anyways I made more money selling coke and adderall to the waitresses then I ever did working there legitimately, girls there worked insane

Kiko Alonso is also hispanic/latino, Sam Bradford is Native American, they both maybe “light skinneded”, but they’re still ethnic. If Chip Kelly is a racist so every other coach in the NFL that cuts/trades a player.

Yeah of the three leads one white guy, a hispanic, and black guy. The film is shot mostly in Venezuela, Mexico, and French Polynesia (notice the locals in the back ground grabbing the money the crew gave them via robbery). But let me guess Edgar Ramierz is not hispanic/latino enough for you, and Delory Lindo is a

Flakka is spanish slang for skinny woman not pretty.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, these leaks have to be intentional at this point. I mean every other day there’s a fucking set photo. Most of these leaks are vague as fuck reagaurding the plot so again that plays into the whole intentional thing. Also are we going to get a standalone Batman film, I get that he’s DC’s most bankable

One of my fav episodes.

Kobe is great and all but aside from his shooting he doesn’t deserve to be in that conversation, EVER. People also seem to forget for as good he is, he always needs help to accomplish anything. He’s had teams w/ multiple HOFers that got bounced in the 1st round of the playoffs, everyone will say Miami was stacked but

Why? Yes the warriors are good etc, but shit LBJ on his own can at least win one to two games on his own, (he’s did it last time he willed Cleveland to the finals) and if the injury bug hits the Warriors it could get interesting. I’m not saying that a full strength Cleveland would beat the Golden state in 7, but if

So haven’t watched fight bc you’re too busy, but have enough free time to make baseless posts off of stuff you’ve read on twitter, sounds about right. You don’t have to watch the fight but you obviously don’t have a basic understanding of the fight if you can’t comprehend how someone who won on every scored card

She won’t, but it’s very unlikely that they will give him a white/asian/latin love interest considering he gains his powers by being the head of an African tribe etc. Falcon/War Machine w/ a interracial love interest maybe, but it would be completely out of place considering the mythos of black panther revolve around