
Please link me to an example.

Wait. What do i have to donate for Jeri Ryan what what what who what what tell me what how much what?

Is your mother also a cunt?

Uh huh. That's fine for when two posts on a topic come out within like....a few hours of each other. But when a story on an obscure situation comes on one site comes out and gets huge traffic (i.e., money for Gawker) and then is rewritten on another sister site 16 hours later you think that's an accident? Come on.

If they have a different take they can post a comment on the original story once they cross-link it. And GTFO that people that read Jezebel don't read Gawker. You may not read it in as much detail or like as much of the content but GTFO saying that you ONLY go on Jezebel and never Gawker.

I'm not sure Phoenix Tso is female. Or a human.

Just blacks bein black

I didn't post the comment on the Gawker article. I stole it. Just like Phoenix Tso stole this story idea from the Gawker post instead of cross-linking to it.

As long as writers on one Gawker Media site steal story ideas from other Gawker Media sites instead of cross-linking I'm going to steal top comments and see how many stars I can get. It's going pretty well so far.

Check more carefully who posted what

American industry and innovation at its best. He could write a dissertation: Sexual Efficiencies in Economies of Scale.

Now you're getting it!

Are you having a stroke?

This way bandwagon Heat fans can achieve that minimum mean jerk time they were discussing in Silicon Valley

Glad to know Japan hasn't gone full faggot

Bill Murray really is living his best, DGAF life.

Did anyone watching in NYC area with Time Warner not have game in HD quality?

Men (any men remotely worth anything at all) don't care even the slightest bit about boobs. Seriously.

O RLY? Not all things are 100%? O RLY? Too bad, I just nailed my hands into the cross

You would agree that Kate Upton is about as popular as it gets among men right now right? See how she doesn't have an hourglass figure nor is she super skinny? She's just consistent thickness all the way down and doesn't look anorexic? And see how her body is much closer to that of Miss Indiana than it is to the