
…and most of Will Ferrell's movies.

Adam McCay looked like a giant compared to his writing partner.

I'm sure it is happening. Would it be like insider trading, as far as the law is concerned?

Question: How can Vegas take bets on the Oscars when there's a group of people who know the winners? If I'm one of the guys inside the academy, I'd have a friend put some serious money on the winners. How could you resist that kind of easy money if you knew who the winners were days before the event? I remember a

She infects the kid then lets him go home without telling him anything about what she's done and what he's become. That didn't make any sense. I don't believe her character would have done that. At least have a scene where she's trying to talk to him about it… or shoot a scene where she explains it to him. That

Love the show, but this was not my favorite episode. How is it that Liz Taylor hasn't aged in 30 years if he wasn't infected with the vampire virus? The actor is in his early 50's, were we supposed to believe the character was 23 in 1985… cause he didn't look 23 in those flashback scenes. Is there more to his story?

Wait… you can say "whisper your dick hard" on the CW?

I thought the same thing, he's not a dog person. (If it was a bat, he would have been all over it.) I also wonder why he brought his girlfriend to that meeting. It was crunch time, he and Pete J are there to get notes from Pete F. Maybe she should have stayed back at the apartment. All this stuff with switching

I can't believe how little time they had to do that rewrite. (And they had to drive an hour up to Ojai to Pete Farrelly's house.) I can't believe they were able to make major changes in that amount of time. Seemed like they had 24 hours from the time they met with Pete, who thought it was probably a couple weeks