brazilians only drive stick

Still waiting for the photos.

I think the rear is locked. See smoke.

You are not, bro. I can’t put my finger on it, but something in this car’s looks does not do it for me.

This is a very nice touch. More manunfacturers should adopt this classy plate mount.

Kinda McLaren-ish, but I dig it. I dig it very much.

Waaay more my thing

Gotta love good ol ‘merican iron.

Heh, you got me.

That’s the dumbest, most empty comment I’ve ever seen on Jalopnik.

I’ve never been a huge Porsche nut, but this design really does it for me. Very clean, very smooth and classy as sh*t. Love’d it.

This looks amazing.

It’s been six hours and it still won’t go down. Should I call a doctor?

And this will be the most remembered Toyota of this era, on Jalopnik thirty years from now...

Nas palavras do Facção:
“A burguesa tem vergonha de ser brasileira
Não pelo o pivete com fome, mas porque me deu a senha
Pega o passaporte, enfia no rabo e some
Vai cortar grama no Texas, ser puta em Londres”

Those armpits are not period correct

Rebeldia é um estágio da caminhada pro amadurecimento, e como tal, precisa ser superada. You don’t get to stop on the rebellious phase, you need to grow up.

You shut your whore mouth, fool

Oh, a girl? Nice.