Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I clearly must order this tome immediately.

Ah, I was not familiar with this story.

Wait, the most recent episode was actually called The Six Thatchers?

I will look into this. Thank you! I have been meaning to learn more about Yugoslavia.

I found it mildly entertaining in bits, but I'm a degenerate and utterly debased. Not as much as the average American is, apparently, but still.

The whole show seems to take place in some sort of Hell.

There are a couple of copies in the school library and I think I'm going to dive into it this quarter. It definitely seems like my kind of book.

I can see why people might take issue with it but I'm really enjoying it so far as well. It's surprising the overall reaction seemed so negative. I like the way it's overall menacing atmosphere makes the whole show feel almost like a horror movie and outweigh all the deliberate Western cliches and tropes in the park.

Pornhub is an FSB honeypot designed to entrap and discredit the Resistance.

God damn, this is the delightful content for which I log on.

And he would know!

The Charles M Schulz museum rules!

How does that man do it?

I should read Finnegans Wake.

Why don't you say that to my face, comrade?

Where are you in your crossover watch currently?

What's weird is that "alt-left" is deployed to suggest a certain strand of leftists are morally comparable to racists and fascists, as if it was the "alt" and not the "right" that was the objectionable part of the equation. The fact that some in the so called centrist crowd have attempted to to associate the label

To be fair, that course is murder.

My new favorite podcast, the perpetually brilliant and enlightening Times of our Time has a brand new episode out. I hope you all listen to it. The latest episode has a segment on the Romanian elections, and I'm sure we can all learn more here from the noble Dwayne than from any inferior source.

He has to be trolling at this point.