Jacques-Louis Douchebag

The Harambe Variations

Make a few spelling changes and it's an instant dril classic.


That's not what you said to Nietzsche last night in his bed!

I miss Napoleon.

"appears to be operated by the GRU" is some interestingly non commital phrasing, but fair enough

It's probably true that the farcical global situation which would presumably be created under a Trump led United States would allow Russia space to expand its influence, but I think those gains would be fairly unstable.

Trying to sway an election by manipulating public opinion (even through illegal means) is an incredibly minor act on virtually every level, though, when all it amounts to is stealing emails from an easy mark like the DNC. Not even Goldwater would have started a war over that.

I'm not sure it's even disputed that the hackers were Russian. But that's different than necessarily seeing it as a government operation.

Yeah, the religion one is the only deeply embarassing one. Everyone already knew the DNC as a whole weren't big Bernie fans and I'm not sure why they would have expected otherwise.

"That's cause for war."

I have a higher tolerance for Todd than you do, I think, but his shenanigans often aren't all that well integrated at all. This was a particularly notable case.

Fifty lashes? Sounds like a fun Friday.

Yeah, seems like you almost need a lure to get some of those rarer pokemon without going way out of the way.

Any particular type of location?

I don't worship the pixels, I use them as a spiritual aid in contemplating the magnificence of the one true God. You should have a better understanding of idolatry, Papist.

No, I know. I just mean for rarer Pokemon the leveling process is going to be quite slow. In fact I caught a second Pikachu today at a hot spot in what would have been extraordinary bout of good fortune but my phone died at the very instant he got caught. I still don't know if it registered that capture or not. The

His sheer joie de vivre is infectious.

I can't wait. Just hook it to my veins!

I'm BoJack the horse, BoJack the horse
Don't act like you don't know