Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Yeah, it's really clever the way the shows makes use of previous numbers as motifs and cues , particularly with "I Have Friends".


Canadians: Janine Restrepo, the one and only DISQUS Spider, the fruit of San Jose, sends his regards in response to the glorious victory of the San Jose Sharks.

I would also like to thank LOST for its existence.

"Can't Elope" just suggests controlling parents.

Angry White Birds

The way a relatively light hearted episode like "Couplet" uses romantic jealousy to pave the way for such a catastrophe is rather incredible in retrospect.

I think what makes the dynamic even more disturbing this time is that after going beige last season, Angel promoted Wesley to being his boss in order to earn back their trust. Wesley was supposed to be something like a moral compass to keep Angel in check, so his downfall has really frightening implications for

I have birds at home who are of the cockatiel persuasion, in addition to two small mutts. They're rather attractive creatures who sometimes climb on me, and very rarely allow me to stroke their neck, but have a much better relationship with my mother. They occasionally squawk loudly in unison when I'm trying to watch

That would alienate the base! But I would also enjoy it.

Spooky, scary porn!

It was funny.

Trump apparently has a luxury apartment he never uses decorated with William Blake's Proverbs of Hell.

The images are like a horror movie.

I would stab you to save Godard, you pig.

Wesley doesn't go in for half measures. It's his glory and his undoing.


The way that scene with Lorne is handled is so excellent. It took me a second to realize what had happened with the singing, and before I knew it a serious moral line was being crossed by a beloved character

They even booed the dedication to Refn's wife. Godard was too kind for once.