Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Look, I'm as big a Coen Brothers fan as has ever breathed air. I just find Fargo one of their less interesting pictures.

All of those films, except probably Intolerable Cruelty, are leagues better than the vastly overrated Fargo, which is certainly a bland, run of the mill drama by the standard of the Coen Brothers.

Eric, my comrade and good friend! I hope you have a magnificent birthday, enjoy moving into the new room, and Rosenbaum returns to writing regularly just for you.

"Dollar Days" is the most moving to me, at the moment, even without looking at the lyrics.

Implying Bowie is a "band" isn't even the most annoying thing about that post.

I still remember his story about getting a handjob in a graveyard. I wish he was getting his handjob *beneath* the graveyard, lol.

Never change, Birdie.

Aww, it's nice to see all those avatars. They're with us in spirit. Well, they're alive, hopefully, but still with us in spirit.

I don't think Teller would be a bad choice either. It makes a certain amount of sense for the young Han Solo to be not quite evolved into his character either. Teller seems like someone who could grow into that role, potentially. He still wouldn't be someone I'd think of as likely to be fantastic, though.

Everyone is watching that movie all of a sudden! Certainly better than an awards show.

I once had a map where none of my starting territories were adjacent. I actually didn't die as quickly as I thought i would.

I do want to try the Rivals of Rome map.

I saw that, but I was under the impression she had already joined and was confused. Since I think they've already started filming, I wonder if this means she'll be appearing later in the season.


I look forward to it, dear comrade. Know that you have my confidence, faith, and approval.

booo about failure to complete the original series
yay about Laura Dern enthisasm

O to the M to the OMG

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts in more detail, but for now I will simply respond with enthusiastic and sincere agreement.

Malaise forever

We've become jaded, sadly.