Jacques-Louis Douchebag

The book isn't as upsetting because it's stylized in a less intense manner.

Truly that would be casting pearls before swine.

Why not live dangerously at this point?

No one born since 1900 knows what it means to be truly old…

Pleasure Island is a good one though it never bothered me all that much. Spirited Away is an unnerving film straight up.

Yay! Thank you for abusing Semi's trust to hand me this weapon. I shall be utterly without mercy.

Tell me about the Beatles, Semi. Tell me about Woodstock.

I actually agree. Just giving you a hard time. On that topic, animated movie that scared you most as a kid. For me it was Watership Down, but the rhino in James and the Giant Peach haunted me for years.

That film is scary, you sadist!

The thing is, Trump definitely has a low ceiling, but, to blatantly plagiarize Heer Jeet, he seems to also have a very high floor…

Oooh, red flames are so much more stylish and enticing as a fashion statement regarding atheism than anything else you see those losers typically do. I'm in favor.

Hmmm, this is reminding me of another country that forced a religious/ethnic minority to carry around a form of identification at all times. Don't think those were ID cards though. Damn my memory.

This is extremely informative, given the nonsense a lot of journalists have been propagating about the Middle East lately. Thanks!

Yeah, the best alternatives they have are Cruz and Rubio, and neither are particularly strong, in that Cruz is too extreme and Rubio is arguably too moderate/conventional.

Fantastic news, Jello! I hope you continue to fare well, comrade.

Yeah, you're not nearly as rhetorically eloquent, powerful, or original as me. No idea what SBT is thinking.

Ann Coulter's sinister reaction to the Paris attacks was to declare Donald Trump just won the election.

In a sea of hate
In which anyone
Would love to drown

Well, I'm afraid, it doesn't make me smile.

He's being pretty consistently skeptical, eh. Hopefully he's still got the knack.