Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Oh, that's cool. I'd definitely be willing to give it more time, especially since I'm not watching that much at the moment. I look forward to it, even!

That Masters of None pilot had some nice moments, but I can't say I'm sold.

My surname is the 454, 447th most common in the world. It is most prevalent in the United States with the highest density in Israel. Apparently there's 1 guy in Russia with that name. He might be a relative!

Yeah, we definitely need to see the man reprise the role, musically or non musically. There's some great potential for physical comedy among everything else.

You try and do it better, then!

Thanks! I caught the link earlier.

There's a an erotic novel about Aaron Burr from around 1861 called the Amorous Adventures of Aaron Burr. The opening paragraphs were delightful, and I fully intend to read the rest in the future.

Yeah, if someone forced me to sing a cartoon theme song of my own devising at knife point, it would sound a lot like that.

Aaron Burr's journal entry about the time he tried to light a candle with a gun and then accidentally set himself on fire. It's somehow even funnier than it sounds.

Hmmm, your attention to grammatical convention is so much better than EJ's that the thought never occurred to me. But that was silly, in retrospect.

I feel like Tarantino is going to somehow work NWA's "Fuck Tha Police" into the film now.

I'm so sorry.

It's like they didn't even try. It's almost not even entertainingly bad.

Lit is a pretty fun subject in general, yeah, although my lit class is pretty dead in terms of participation and stuff. The teacher is digressive as hell too, which is sometimes really interesting, and sometimes unbelievably tedious and annoying.

I admire that adventurous curiosity, and have some of it myself. Sometimes I sadly wonder if there's any subject that could hold my full, undivided and passionate attention. For now, film works best.

Do you mean you hate the way the study of philosophy is constructed at your uni, or that you hate philosophy as a construction?

I'll kill you, you bastard man. I'll drown you in my daemonic piss.

EJ! Welcome back, comrade.

Welcome back, Adolf Hitler.

I seldom have missed 30 Rock as much as I do now, when I think of how that show would have dealt with something like this.