Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I'm really, really sorry to hear that. *hug*

That's depressing news to say the least.

To associate Stephen's stench with that drug seems to me to do cannabis a disservice, and to unduly flatter our friend Stephen.

I do not believe that Mr. Sodebergh's abilities, rich and admirable as they are, surpass those of the figures I have mentioned. Even your hero would be struck down in an attempt to wring interest out of Patterson.

My proud and overt hatred and contempt for a large and vulnerable strata of human beings, who desperately need social protection and concern, is a mere personal preference, and your judgment of me only indicates that you are nothing more than a 21st century Hitler.

I think it's telling that I can't imagine even a Kubrick directed adaptation of a James Patterson novel being interesting, or a De Palma one, etc etc.

I despise your shitty little children, and you should admire me for my heroism-Salon.com

Stephen King is almost cynically prolific, but he probably at least cares about writing a book he personally can enjoy. Someone like Patterson probably just closes his eyes and types for two hours, before leaving the manuscript to his poor editors.

A man like him just patters and prates.

Well, that's close enough for me!

The beasts have been uncaged at this point. I don't imagine the establishment Republicans will have much if any success at placing them back under control.

Do the animals talk? Because if not, I don't care.

The NYRB actually liked a TV show? Everyone's selling out their pompous intellectual reputations these days.

I have to say, an ad that obnoxious would be almost enough to tempt me to vote Conservative, out of sheer spite. *Almost*.

iZombie seems appealing to me, and as it streams on Netflix, I have little incentive not to check it out.

I liked how much warmer and more natural the relationship between Jake and Lainey felt compared to what other movie romances I've seen lately.

A propensity for pot goes a long way towards explaining Canada's laid back nature.

Prescriptivism is justified when a change in language literally damages the coherence of sentences involving a given word. Unlike most linguistic shifts, there are obvious and irrefutable negative consequences to accepting this one.

It only takes effect immediately for them. There's a grace period for existing users. It's only deferred, though. Eventually it will come to us all.

He well may. I'm not positive.