Presidentially funny.
Presidentially funny.
Even if it was a joke, what is rule number 1 in car culture?
“ than i filled his oil filter with metal shavings"
I think it’s adorable that you don’t see how this is a classic false flag (false fan?) operation. This is an “Astros” “fan”, but he’s in Colorado. Who is seated to his left? Colorado fans. To his right? Colorado fans. And lo and behold, who’s that directly in front of him? Crisis actor Gerardo Parra. Parra obviously…
I think you’re underestimating the willingness of Americans to take on large sums of debt.
That’s just crazy talk.
Belcher said that having a full warranty didn’t matter and she just learned that her insurance is only paying half of what she owes on the car. For now, she still on the hook for monthly car payments for at least the next three years on a car that she can no longer use.
Someone told her not to worry about the car catching fire since she’d be underwater on her loan.
If you believe that we didn’t land on the moon or that the Earth is flat, you shouldn’t be able to vote or have children.
The Venn Diagram of dudes who call the police for a hard screen and dudes who thought the 2017 NFL season was the worst because of the choreographed celebrations is a circle.
So every person that appeared on this show has the brain power of Ron Burgundy?
Typhoon drivetrain + AWD Astro = Monsoon? :-P
Schrodinger’s... hatch?
A trunk isn’t literal. It is more of a state of mind.
I’m picking nits here, but I really hate new car comparisons to used cars at the same price-level. Who is buying a new $45k Stinger GT cash? The vast majority of people are going to finance it, and when you finance, monthly payment matters.
I couldn’t help but feel bad for this little Ford Ranger. Having been subjected to years of abuse and neglect, it…
Hi. Detroiter here.
The fact we don’t get this is a damn travesty...