
Wrong part of the country. I’m The Thing From the Cal-Sag Channel.

Alaska is too cold, Guam is too hot, and the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

R Kelley apparently has his own sex slave cult going so I wouldn’t call it specifically white nonsense.

It looks like money was only part of the motivation here. And you always need new sex slaves.

Sure we know that but casual observers might be taken in by his shtick. I consider it worth a few moments of my time to call it out.

I think somebody at least has to call him out for his crap. I’m not faulting you for blocking just taking one for the team as it were.

Probably because you only ever rag on those on the left. Or - as in this case - rag on people who are rightfully ragging on those who rag on the left. You’re a liberal in almost the same way Trump is.

It’s no more demeaning to the BGs than their willing involvement in Stayin’ Alive.

“I’m a liberal”

Looks like his career highlight was a song off the <i>Stayin’ Alive</i> soundtrack that hit #10. So not only is he overshaddowed by his brother he’s overshaddowed by the Brothers Gibb as well.

Do they bother with using the code words?

Miniatures games. Vaguely Tolkien meets Leiber on a 4' x 8' table. Oh and everything is unnecessarily “kewl.” This one is from the SciFi inflected version of the game. Also: cool story about your humanities teacher and his utter lack of caring.

The script was fine. It just wouldn’t be the same without Herve, you know.

Neural networks are trained on rules and examples. Whatever method Penn used here is bereft of anything that structural.

Man, you really don’t want it after it’s gone bad.

There is pride to be had

You know in retrospect, in comparison those monkeys don’t seem so dumb.

It strikes me as more of a William S. Burroughs cut up job using three decades worth of Word a Day calendars.

There’ll be peace when you are done

Too much money to be made in the majors for anybody to waste their time with an exhibition team.