
daveqsang@gmail.com invite please? =DDD

Common man doesn't know Blogger and Picasa are owned by Google. Smart move imo

uh huh...yea...keep sucking that iDick

Looks just as ergonomically retarded as the current iphone.

you made me lol. You know what i mean ;)

If you haven't owned a Z series you haven't owned a VAIO.

Goo is not the future.

This changes everything. In a bad way.

I think there are 2 different "modes". See the desktop button on the bottom right?

doesnt work........

reminds me of pulse.....alot

very true. castle and moat

Either your friends are doing something very wrong or my hands induct electricity into my Nexus S


Ok, next time we'll make it a triangle for you.

i speak the truth

im pretty sure google wanted this too, just couldnt work it out with the labels

this looks retarded

I thought this was a long exposure photo....guess not.

when do they come out IN NORTH AMERICA?!