
video was pretty sweet. Definitely interested.

@Priper: did you....read the article?

when did astronauts get hot?

how heavy is the vest?

@davidahn: Get ur facts straight. Here is the standard configs for both, both at 1799.

completely agree with the review. Its a great computer, but $1800?!?! Thats the same price as a vaio z, and almost every single spec is better.

black is better...

probably should have invested in a high fps camera

@Ace: 2 looks more like baidu than fedex. the primary fedex logo is orange and purple

all those promised low tablet prices from samsung and hp were BULLSHITT!!


@MePerson: facetime only has 1 "i"

very excited about wp7, but they def need to find a better way to implement the additional apps that arent hubs.

only china is capable of this? Did no other country in the world decide to invest in this machinery?

@rbauman08: thats where the license plate is dumbass!

is there a crazy good anti-shake as well? or was that post-production? Theres no way the actual camera was that smooth.


some of these are actually good commercials, but for bad products

pretty sweet, doesnt really do its job though

@Stetrain: its expensive, but not overpriced. The air expensive AND overpriced. And i doubt the price will fall that much.