
waste of energy?

"One minute you're just vegging out, letting the gentle glow of your TV wash over you, and then the next thing you know a computer is sucking away all your attention."

768p is actually a pretty common HDTV resolution, but most 768p TVs advertise as 720p instead.

When you turn it, it just fills with rice...

Quicktime takes too long to load.


@JakeMG: Ω Man: Its not choppy, its meant to be that way. That way all of the zoom levels can be prerendered and you wont have to wait for any part of the pages to load when you zoom, especially when u have a weak internet connection.

is the inflatable slide retractable? or would it "total" the airplane like an airbag does to a car.

I cant wait for 10:11:12 13/14/15

@Jared D: its good marketing too. When people ask other people, whats wp7? Oh its just like an iphone, but better!


how badly could this hurt someone?

how does the 980x compare with xeons?

@FrankenPC: yea theres an app called vlc4iphone

1 person...lol