
Your funny. I’ll give you that.

You said hunt fish and camp + sand dunes. Great! Enjoy your Raptor.

Love this country very much. Love the roads , cars and people . Love the land too, more than any other .

If buying a used 997 is a sign of amazing success then we have nothing to talk about.

Just growing older and had the LS for a ew years, yes I want something more surgical and 997 comes to mind.

I own several other vehicles, not once did I brag about any of those did I?

It is just my opinion.

Thanks I will.

Owned Mustangs, gs430. Ended up with LS. Could it be happier .

Get your facts at least. ls460L was the largest. I chose swb 460 because that’s all I needed.

Why would I want a gutless Volvo with a coexist sticker?? Hate that car and the sicker equally !

Because I want a manual car with great racing heritage that holds value. Busy most of all I want a more electrifying drives every weekend. Something more connected and mechanical.

CL550 or even CL63 I was thinking.

You win.

BEst looking Infiniti coupe yet.

How much quicker one must go? How many times would you get away with it? Without being arrested?

Shit hole?

Sure, no doubt you tow things every day and haul heavy loads on roads that are unpaved. Harsh climates are all that you are used to and survival is a daily matter.

Every car has 4 wheels and basically does everything like the one next to it.

Not exactly. I use the car on weekends only as a road trip car. I’ve done more leisure 1000 mile road trips on weekends than you probably have driven in your entire life. Driven all across the states and know North East by hard.