Discodave: R.O.A.C.H. M.O.T.E.L.

Yeah - and Cameron Stewart just tweeted that Seaguy is pretty much over now Karen's gone, too.

Can we pick on the people who follow us on twitter as an excuse to promote their daring ground-breaking vampire/werewolf/fairy/elf detective/schoolboy/prince steampunk/fantasy/space opera opus? Because those people are REALLY asking for it.

-5 points for reading comprehension, sorry.

Most of them not naturally occurring. Many are not found in the earth at all.

Because they're in it. For some of the book, the boy is, indeed, outside the boat. But not all. And if he was close enough to scratch the outside of the boat, he'd be close enough to the tiger to be eaten.

Maybe, but that's not the whole book... there's a zebra too.

Read it already - pretty sure he was either in the boat or a bit away from it - never hanging off the end. Might be wrong, though ;)

No biggie, but why would he scratch the number of days on the OUTSIDE of the boat?


Bump. Also, I think this is making a lot of people in Ireland reconsider their position right now. I hope it is, anyway...

...so, can I be Paul Reiser? I really liked the cut of his suit.

I have no idea why I capitalised doubling. Sorry.

Well, at least Glasgow gets a look in (even if it's Doubling for Philadelphia)... I asked Brooks about any input he had in the film when he did a signing in Glasgow. He got precisely zero. I think it shows.

Yeah, I spoke to Max Brooks when he was doing a signing in Glasgow around the time of filming. He had zero input into the film. Pretty much got the money for the rights and nothing else.

Hey, I didn't say it was more valid than anything else, I said it was AS valid.

The two comments lead to the same answer - Sylvester McCoy, sitting in a Glasgow cafe chatting about it. Not exactly definitive, but as valid a piece of hearsay as anything else. I guess we'll never get a complete answer for why he left but I do feel that RTD gets a hell of a lot of stick considering he brought back a

Sylvester McCoy was talking about it in Glasgow just before he went off to play Radagast. Eccleston was being a prima-donna and so they parted company.

Bless. Glad it's not just ranting with no evidence in the comments, then...

Now playing

As Sean says - 1998 (with the Seventh Doctor).

I probably said this last time you posted the list, but thanks for including some older films - The Haunting, Peeping Tom, Cat People et al.