It read to me like a slightly less gothic Reynolds - less of an emphasis on slow, horrible deaths and more on political and sociological conflict. (For the record, I think Alasdair Reynolds is great too).
It read to me like a slightly less gothic Reynolds - less of an emphasis on slow, horrible deaths and more on political and sociological conflict. (For the record, I think Alasdair Reynolds is great too).
Yeah, one of the earlier photos on io9 showed graffiti that read "Minty is the Law". They know their stuff, without trying to cram every character ever on the screen.
Nice. I do really like him as an actor, but he's in danger of becoming ubiquitous in these biopic roles, at least in the UK, anyhow.
Seconded. If only so Michael Sheen doesn't get the gig. (Love Sheen, but I'm tired of him playing EVERYONE).
I know it doesn't get a lot of love (anywhere), but I really liked Jeremy Northam and Lucy Liu in Cypher. A quietly understated industrial espionage thriller. Anyhow - yeah, 'splosions and stuff get the love. Anyhow, as you were.
He's been in a load of really well-received stuff over in the UK, including a BAFTA-winning role as Fred West (a British serial killer). Also, according to Wikipedia (YMMV) it WAS Mance Rayder he was up for.
Except that's always been a feature of the Doctor - Peter Davison was younger than Matt Smith when he took the role. I guess it has something to do with growing up with the actors and being that much older when the new one takes over. The gap between you and he is always going to be less. It's when you get older than…
Except Ian Thorpe responded to a suggestion like that by saying he'd improved by 5 seconds in a season. I'm pretty sure Phelps has made major improvements in his PBs over the years too. (Ye raced the 200m, so halve the performance increase and it looks a little less fantastic from your experiences, maybe?)
Well, the millions they've saved on crappy pre-publicity will probably help it do a lot better than something like John Carter. Added to that, if word of mouth is good, it could hold up pretty well - Prometheus seemed to suffer from rather scathing reviews stemming from sky-high expectations.
Nice. If they could debunk Highwaymen next, we could post the Stand and Deliver parody...
So the Life of Pi trailer looked a little too much like What Dreams May Come but this... colour me hopeful. If it can avoid Spielberg schmaltz and gets focused direction with the Wachowskis' section, this could be amazing.
The best new sci-fi war story I've read recently was in Engineering Infinity (edited by Johnathan Strahan). Malak by Peter Watts deals with a drone developing a conscience. Brilliant stuff.
Well, it's nice to see some subtle Easter eggs in Dredd, rather than cramming as many characters into the film as they can. "Minty is the Law", indeed.
Yeah... I guess Ariadne would have made more sense? Maybe it's the photographer aspect - he's a messenger of the Gods? I dunno...
The Trinity one at the link is by far and away my favourite. I think he was caught in two minds with the Sarah Connor one - it doesn't really look like either actress.
Yup. I think people forget that underneath the vitriol and snark, Brooker's a very smart man who actually thinks about this stuff.
You know what? I don't give a shit about the guy. My heart goes out to the victims and their families, but I do not want to hear one thing about this guy. Get him help and hide him away from the world forever.
If it includes the line "I'm going to kill Jesus" then yes. (I'm betting it doesn't, though).
I feel bad for admitting I still haven't watched all the third series - I kinda missed Robert Sheehan's character and I liked Simon's arc as it ended in the second season.