Unfortunately, Max Brooks doesn't seem to have much influence over what's going to be in the film or not - he did a signing in Glasgow whilst the filming was taking place and said that he really had no idea what would be in it.
Unfortunately, Max Brooks doesn't seem to have much influence over what's going to be in the film or not - he did a signing in Glasgow whilst the filming was taking place and said that he really had no idea what would be in it.
Sounds like Cherry Falls crossed with a Neil Marshall film...
Depends how many Cure fans like steampunk - the Ultras have to come from somewhere, after all.
I'll need to ask for a diagram (with maybe a Powerpoint presentation as an additional aid) from my other half's pet astrophysicist, but I get what you mean - cheers for the explanation.
I figured it would be something like that but the article phrased it a little too ambiguously for me to be sure, especially with my woefully limited knowledge of stellar development.
"its lithium levels are 50 times less than what they should be — and it contains an enormous amount of calcium instead. With a proportion of metals this low..."
While I do appreciate what you're saying about this not being part of the eleventh Doctor's arc, I feel it's my duty to point out that Eleven is the same man as Ten, as Nine, etc... : The Doctor has always done this sort of thing as far back as you want to go and, sometimes, it's nice to get an episode where you can…
Could have been worse - have you seen some of the kids they've got to play roles in the Narnia books/TV series?
Ahh, yes - never got into it - I'd read a short story in one of the Vertigo specials, but never read any more.
Hell, I've read this before, I think - didn't someone link it here (possibly in #tips) a while back?
No Stingray? For shame.
Lucas has never really believed that actions speak louder than hopelessly mawkish and stilted dialogue, has he?
Yeah... I worked that out just after the window for editing my comment appeared...Oops.
Except...wasn't that the wrong answer in the end? ;p
It's more likely he's a fan of The Numskulls who came waaay before Meet Dave, I'm afraid.
I'm ashamed to say I started smoking because I had run out of cannabis and still had a 20 pack of Marlboro's... Basically, I started on the hard stuff and went on to the softer, which kind of flies in the face of the cliched argument against "soft" drugs.
As the poll said, there were to be no young adult books.
Of course internationally (and I say this with the greatest respect) no-one gives a crap about baseball. If they're trying to claim "Moneyball" has broad appeal, then I'm afraid it's in the US only. And maybe Japan.
Anyone for a game of Azad? I've got a week free in October... I will be asking for physical forfeits, though, so get some practice in, eh?
Seconded. Although "laced" seems to understate it a bit - "drenched with sarcasm and then set alight, removing your eyebrows and causing temporary blindness" sounds about right.